Monday, 6 January 2025

Twelve years...

Today marks the twelfth anniversary of this blog - has it really been twelve years?

According to Blogger Statistics there have been 969 posts (including this one), 696,279 visitors (although at least half of them are bots or Viagra advertisers) of which 174 have chosen to follow and 12,258 comments have been posted - half of which are, of course, my replies.

For the occasion I have looked through all the posts (yes all 968 of them) and picked out one from each year as a favourite.

Here's to another twelve years of blogging...if blogs still exist in 2037...


  1. Congratulations on the anniversary Mark.....I wonder if blogging will still be "a thing" in 2037?

    1. Thanks Keith...who knows at the rate technology changes.

    2. Sometimes I wonder how many of will still be "a thing" in 2037!

    3. We were discussing this very thing at work recently. As you know I work in aviation (albeit for not much longer) and the rate of change often means that by the time new systems are deployed they are already heading towards end of life.

  2. Congratulations on twelve years, Mark! I have enjoyed them all. While your large games are wargaming spectacles, I really appreciate your seemingly inexhaustible and workmanlike mustering out of troops on a regular basis. That, alone, takes stamina and dedication. Your yearly painting roundups are staggering. Your terrain pieces are second to none. Great job!

    1. Thank you Jonathan. You will see a dramatic drop off in painting this year, but gaming and blogging will increase.

  3. Congratulations Mark, 12 more years!

    1. Thank...I think I will keep going as long as the technology is there!

  4. Twelve years is a great effort. I much prefer looking at blogs rather than Facebook groups. I never seem to be able to navigate properly around Facebook pages whereas it is much easier to delve into the archives of a properly indexed Blog, although having said that I wonder how many people actually do that. Most old posts seem to resurface through Google searches.

    1. And the years have just slipped by...and Blogger's indexing engine leaves a bit to be desired. I know i certainly don't use it correctly and I do this sort of thing for a living!

  5. Congratulations Mark, looking forward to many more!!

    1. Thanks Donnie, I too am looking forward to many more.

  6. 12 years and all the details is a record to be proud of making. Your projects are always fascinating to follow and documented well enough to provide information and inspiration on the selected forces. Here's to another 12 years. Paint less, play more. Good motto.

    1. Play more, paint less is indeed the plan...the hope is to get up to 30 games.

  7. Well done on reaching 12 years of Blogging Mark! I certainly look forward to seeing more gaming etc this year as your leadpile diminishes:).

  8. Congratulations on the anniversary, even though I'm only a fairly recent follower

    1. Thanks Neil...I have a few interesting games planned.

  9. Happy blog birthday Mark! Keep up the great work.

  10. Congratulations and hoping for another 12 years. Always something interesting here and always pick up something to better my hobby. Especially enjoy your Franco Prussian articles and units.

    1. Thanks Mark. There will be mie FPW stuff when the Perrys release the generals!

  11. wait... NONE of your favorite posts in the last 12 years features the ACW?
    I guess there are only 55 tags. still. feels left out. 😁
    congrats on 12 years of blogging. It's a big accomplishment.

    1. So true...I didn't recognise favourite ACW game of all that we played was a refight of Pea Ridge, that many of the players will remember well because I made 150 winter trees (without foliage) out of twisted wire and there were constant cries of pain as they stabbed themselves on the end of the wire branches! But all that was before I started blogging...Maybe I will publish a special nostalgia post about it just for you as compensation!

  12. Great job and congrats Mark, I think blogs still have a place, very valuable resource for looking up info on figures, games, scenarios etc!! :)

    1. Thanks Mark. I have no intention to stop anytime soon, but who knows where the technology will head in the next twelve years.

  13. Congratulations Mark…
    Here’s to the next Twelve years…

    All the best. Aly
