Wednesday 28 May 2014
The WWI Project Continues
Friday 9 May 2014
Back to the WWI...
Now that work on the 1866 navies is complete, I have returned to the early WWI project in earnest.
A parcel of Great War Miniatures containing the last company of German infantry, one 77mm gun and crew, plus the final few Belgians arrived two weeks ago. The Belgians and the gun are complete (including the scratch built limber for the gun) and I have painted the infantry, but not finished the bases. There was a fair amount of cleaning up on the German infantry. This finishes the Germans, giving them:
• three companies of infantry
• four machine guns
• two 77mm guns
• one platoon of jägers (on bicycles and on foot)
• one jäger machine gun
• one platoon of uhlans (mounted and dismounted)
Two of the three German infantry companies
The French:
• one company of infantry
• three machine guns
• two 75mm guns
• a platoon of dragoons (mounted only)
• a Paris taxi
The Belgians:
• one company of infantry
• one machine gun
• one Minerva armoured car
Of the Belgians I still have to order the platoon of guides (mounted and dismounted)
The first of the British have arrived. I have ordered the figures from three different suppliers: Great War, Musketeer and Mutton Chop Miniatures. This means that of the 57 figures I need for the British company, 40 will be different. The Mutton Chop and Musketter figures have arrived already and are stunning. In fact I
The whole British force will be:
• one company of infantry
• one machine gun
• two field guns and crew
• a troop of lancers (mounted and dismounted)
While various coats of paint are drying I am working on a few terrain pieces like these barbed wire entanglements.