Friday 30 March 2018
Monday 26 March 2018
23rd (Royal Welsh Fusiliers) Regiment of Foot
Friday 23 March 2018
Generals and Émigrés
This week’s focus has been on completing the generals and adding the first of the émigré regiments for the British in Egypt.
Of the generals I have done three brigadiers in Doyle, Coote and Craddock.
The first of what will be four émigré regiments is De Watteville's Regiment founded by Louis de Watteville, the son of a Swiss mercenary who commanded a regiment in the service of the Netherlands. Louis served as a junior officer in his father's regiment against Revolutionary France and when the Dutch were defeated by the French he took up similar commission in a Swiss corps in the Austrian army in 1799. When Austria too was defeated, the various Swiss units were disbanded and de Watteville’s regiment was created by patching together parts of several Swiss regiments – Salis, Roverea, Courten and Bachmann – and signed on in British service as mercenaries.
On arrival in Egypt each of the contingent parts of the regiment still had their distinctive facings – Salis blue, Roverea/Courten black, Bachmann red - and I have represented them in this way, with Bachmann on the left of the line (right when viewed from the front) Salis on the right and Roverea/Courten in the centre. There is some evidence that later in the campaign they were issued with a new uniform matching that of the Roverea contingent. The regimental flags were taken from the Perry site – they were not issued with British colours until 1805.
The regiment continued service with the British throughout the Napoleonic Wars, chiefly around the Mediterranean. It served in the Peninsular Campaign from 1811 to 1813. Sent to Canada in 1813 to fight in the War of 1812 the regiment was retired at the end in 1815 and for their services the surviving soldiers were granted land in Canada. If I ever decide expand the War of 1812 force I think I will have to add de Watteville.
Louis de Watteville’s career reached its pinnacle in Canada. Promoted to major-general in 1813 and separated from the regiment, he commanded the district of Montreal for a while, before assuming command of the Right Division on the Niagara front after Raill was wounded and captured at Lundy’s Lane and participated in the Siege of Fort Erie. After the war he retired to Switzerland.
Tuesday 20 March 2018
More British in Egypt
Two items were finished over the weekend. First was the second of the five gun sets that will be included in this army. This time the crew are loading the 6lb gun. In the set two figures wear the regulation cocked hat and two wear the fatigue cap.
Second is the first batch of generals. This set contains figures representing Generals Abercrombie, Hutchinson and Moore. I have done Abercrombie and Hutchinson as the senior command group and the Moore as a brigadier.
Saturday 17 March 2018
The 28th Regiment of Foot and the First of the British in Egypt Artillery
The 28th (North Gloucestershire) Regiment of Foot is the second of the British in Egypt infantry to pass through the uniform store and the first in this collection in the stovepipe shako. As my good friend Lawrence reminded me the 28th had a unique honour: at the Battle of Alexandria the French cavalry succeeded in breaking through the British lines, reformed behind the 28th and began to charge while the 28th was still heavily engaged to the front. Hurriedly the order was given for the rear rank to face about and fighting back to back the regiment successfully defended itself. For this action the regiment was accorded the right to wearing the regimental number on both the front and the back of the shako.
The second piece off the painting table this weekend is the first of the artillery. Listed as "Foot Artillery firing 6 Pounder in Mother Shipton hats", this set has a unique gun. To prevent the wheels sinking into the desert sand the gunners tied staves from wooden barrels to the wheels.
A second gun set, this time in cocked hats, is assembled an ready for work.
Wednesday 14 March 2018
British in Egypt Project Kicks Off
Yesterday saw the first unit completed for the British in Egypt project.
While I don’t plan to follow a specific order of battle for this project, I do nonetheless plan to create an approximate historical force insomuch as I intend to create a Guards Brigade, Moore’s Brigade as it stood at Abukir Bay, most of the Emigre units will form a command, plus another brigade of three battalions. The Guards and Moore’s brigade will have a historical context, but the rest will just be a collection of battalions that take my fancy and grouped as I like.
The first unit out of the uniform store is the 58th Rutlandshire Regiment. This unit was part of Moore’s Brigade and I chose to do it first for two reasons: first because the facings are black that it made for a useful exercise in figuring out how to paint the cuff lace; second because there is a New Zealand connection.
For this regiment I chose the figures with the round hat, because I like the figures. I am pleased with the unit. The figures a full of character, I am just a little uncertain of how the sergeant with the half pike will survive and the shaft of the half pike is very thin – I have put him in the middle of the stand with the hope that the flanking figures will protect him.
This army will be a mix of round hat and stovepipe shakos and the next unit be in the latter.
Saturday 10 March 2018
Of Cuirassiers and Dragoons
This week sees the completion of a number of 1812 French items.
The first are a pair of cuirassier regiments, the 8th and 10th. These two regiments round out the heavy cavalry component of the 2nd Cuirassier Division from the Borodino order of battle.
The 8th Regiment
Since I have a bit of time today, I felt a parade was in order so here are all six regiments, two carabinier and four cuirassiers. The divisional horse artillery (two batteries each) and the lancer squadrons (one per division) are yet to be completed.
Also finished this week are the dismounted versions of the two dragoon regiments I have done. I had posted an image of the dismounted unit of the 7th Dragoons, without its officer. Here is the completed unit.
The completion of the cuirassiers and dismounted dragoons has seen a number surplus figures that are destined to be couriers or ADCs for the French 1812 generals that will be ordered in a few months time.
The French in 1812 will take a back seat for a while now, since two good sized parcels for the British in Egypt project arrived on Tuesday afternoon.