Tuesday 17 September 2024

A Régiment Légère

Following on from the line regiment that I posted last week, here is the matching légère regiment. 

Again there are three battalions, two in tunic and one mixed tunic and greatcoat.

All three battalions and their voltigeur companies deployed.

Couple of line artillery sets, one foot and one horse, are yet to be completed, but next on the painting table is a rather nice Napoleonic French wagon set.


  1. Excellent work as always Mark:)!

  2. Another fine unit. If course you consistently take the time to do them right.

    1. Thanks Joe, they are quite quick to do without the white trousers

  3. Very nice indeed Mark…
    I do like the workman like look of the later French light infantry uniforms …

    All the best. Aly

    1. I do too Aly. I like the lights better than the line in many ways.

  4. Very nice indeed Mark. Do you allow your legere to fully deploy into skirmish order and is it just a matter of moving the bases further apart to represent this? The current set of rules we are playing only lets them do it if they are veteran or better, which seems a little restrictive but would probably otherwise unbalance the game mechanic.

    1. Yes I allow them to deploy fully, but my view of skirmishers is that they are never going to be battle winners, but can harass. So they can all go into open order but because of their lack of fire control they roll 1xD6 for firing instead of the 3 for a normal unit in line. This stops the lights becoming super troops

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Chris...that's it for mainline units for a while.

  6. yes yes, all very nice, well painted, fancy uniforms,
    but where are the trench tiles??!!

    1. Well I HAVE ordered the tiles, but they will take a couple of weeks to arrive and I am still trying to figure out just how I am going to make the trenches work.

  7. Great looking Legere, three battalions in a week? But of course!
    Best Iain

    1. It would be nice to think so, but no not three in a week...two weeks...there is always a bit of a time lag between when I finish one item and the next is available for show.

  8. Always like the legere in their all blue togs, Mark....luvverly work, as always!

    1. Thanks Keith, and so much easier to paint in all blue for some reason.
