Monday 24 July 2023

French Command Figures: Back in the Red

After a few days in a Sydney I am back with the red paint, but as a bit of a break from the massed infantry I have done a couple of figures that I intend to use for command groups.

These are the supplied as Marshal Canrobert, the figure given free when you buy three boxes of plastic figures. Without the need for two marshals (and there will be another two figures coming with a future order) I will use these as divisional generals. I will need to be pair these chaps with another mounted officer, when they come available, to make the divisional command grouping, hence them being unbased.

Another two groups on foot  using some spare officer figures (with a fair bit of kit bashing) from the sprue and one metal officer from the Chasseur set will follow.


  1. Nice figures and painting and look forward to seeing them paired up with other figures and based:).

    1. Thanks Steve. I hope the other generals aren't too far away.

  2. They look great Mark. Very crisp. At least you had a short break from painting red, but back into it now.

    1. Yes they are quite a different pose too. Certainly back into the red with a vengeance with another battalion set to be finished tomorrow.

  3. They look good Mark. I am currently coming close to finishing a Russian GNW regiment in red cost with yellow cuffs - looking forward to a change from them too!

    1. Thanks Keith. I have the four foot figures done now. Red with yellow facings is such an impressive pairing!

  4. Great to see more officers in pantaloon rouge.

    1. Thanks Jonathan...they are rolling off the production line with alarming rapidity...

  5. Great job. They look splendid. And I am Digging the mustache. 😀

  6. Fine looking fellows Mark…
    I am sure they will lead their men to glory…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Or defeat...I don't know that I have ever played a FPW game where the French have won!
