Friday 1 September 2023

The 1st East Prussian Grenadiers

And now for an unexpected change of direction...

With the Franco-Prussian French infantry finished for now the only significant item left in the lead/plastic pile was a box of Napoleonic Prussian infantry.  That box with the addition of a couple of command sprues makes two full battalions, which I decided to make Grenadier battalions.

Since my Prussian force contains a number of East Prussian units and by chance of the six grenadier battalions in service in 1813, two of them were East Prussian. So here is the 1st East Prussian Grenadier Battalion.

The second battalion will follow.


  1. They look really good Mark - and good flag too!

    1. Thanks Keith. It is such a wonderfully simple uniform and the flag is from good old Warflag.

  2. Love that unit and its sombre and muted colours, which makes them look like they mean business. The subtle gold decoration on the flag with the red piping just lifts the overall effect just enough. Looking forward to the next unit:).

    1. Thanks Steve. The next full unit will be a few weeks off...waiting for the command figures to arrive.

  3. Top work as usual Mark. I'm now 120 pages into the second volume of Michael Leggiere's work on the 1813 campaign as of last noght and have just been dropped off half an hour ago by an Uber driven by a German who described himself as Prussian, so this makes three for the last 24 hours. Great stuff.

    1. I have been eyeing that Leggiere work for some time, but my reading backlog is very large...

  4. Smart looking Prussians, Mark. The Prussian uniform is handsome and utilitarian. One of my favorite styles.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. The Prussians are a nice army to have on the table with a nice range of troop types and quality and easy to paint to boot.

  5. Oooo! I do like the workman like nature of the Prussian Napoleonic Uniforms… It makes for a nice contrast with the French…

    Lovely work indeed Mark

    1. Thanks Aly. Workmanlike is a good description and when they are on the table enmass that simplicity gives them a sinister look too.

  6. Splendid unit, the should provide support for important attacks in style!

    1. Thanks Joe. It was an unplanned, but small extension to the army.

  7. Fantastic unit Mark and I especially like the bases and the unit is so well presented.

  8. Those look really nice. 😀

    1. Thanks Stew...a simple Napoleonic uniform for once...

  9. Reading up on the 1813 campaign, I'm considering starting a Prussian army at some point, these look splendid and the knowledge they're easier to paint than French line helps!
    Best Iain

  10. It certainly is a simple uniform to paint. All of the arms are equally plain. I think that 1813-14 represents a great period of the Napoleonic Wars with a suitable mix of large and small actions and a wide variety of armies.
