Saturday, 4 January 2020

AWI British Project Complete

Just before New Year I completed these three British AWI mounted officers that brings this phase of the AWI project to a close.

Since we have such a small number of British AWI troops within our group and such a large number of American forces, I may choose to expand this force at some point, but for now I am happy with it as is.

Now French AWI.. that’s another proposition!


  1. Very nice Mark...
    So ... not really absolutely totally never going near it again ‘complete’

    All the best. Aly

    1. My use of “complete”, of course, is more akin to the use of “honestly” by politicians or “truth” by the tabloids - purely for dramatic effect!

  2. Lovely work. It is nice to use the “completed” word on occasion, even if it is qualified by “for now”.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, “this phase” can be a useful qualifier too...

  3. Be nice to see them on the table Mark. Maybe I have never been able to come along when the group has been doing an AWI scenario, because I have around twenty battalions between British, loyalist and hessian plus four or six guns and a British light dragoon problem has always been no Americans to kill!

    1. Now there is a surprise having the British troops! Well there are plenty of Americans in the least 48 battalions. The last few games we have had to resort to using SYW troops.

    2. Sounds like you guys need to coordinate a game! I am in the same predicament as Keith. I have a large British/German army in 28mm but no Americans!

    3. Regrettably Keith does not get to join us at our Sunday games as much as he would like and the only other member who had the Brits has health problems and has dropped out...he has donated his collection to the group, but it is in dire need of refurbishment.

  4. They look elegant, beautiful and motivated...excellent painting and basing Mark!

  5. Another project completed and in the books! Great job! Your mounted officers look fab.
