Tuesday 4 July 2023

They Just Keep Coming...

Today sees the completion of another Franco-Prussian War French infantry unit. This time it is Third Battalion, 76e Régiment d'Infanterie.

In keeping with what I did for III/77e they are in the firing pose.

The First battalion, the last for the regiment and the brigade, is on the painting table now and will be finished tomorrow. I will then take a brief break from the 1870 to work on a unit of Napoleonic Austrian hussars to finish off that project. 


  1. Marvelous work, Mark! Love the fellow kneeling in the front row with golden mustache and goatee.

    1. One of the nice things about these figures is that you glue the heads on so you can vary them a little by turning the heads to create vignettes...one guy talking to another, while another is looking nervously to the left or right. I have even been able to use some bare heads from other ranges to get some variety...you will see in one of my future units a bear headed officer with his kepi on his sword.

  2. Another fine unit Mark. Probably quite sensible to return to the Austrians after the next brigade, to freshen yourself up for another round of Franco-Prussian war French.

    1. Thanks Lawrence. Sadly the Austrians won't be much of a break...only five day's work...and they are Austrian hussars ...lovely and colourful but a complex uniform to paint.

  3. Definitely colorful and shows a bit drama on every base.

    1. I like the little vignettes. There will be more of these when I do the skirmisher stands.

  4. Nice work again Mark.....I as going to say you must be looking forward to the Austrian cavalry for a bit of a break, but apparently not....are you turning into a grumpy old man like me....?? 😤

    1. Nah not grumpy, just need some relief from all this rain and wind. Actually long forward to the Austrians, but then there will be another 11 French battalions sitting in boxes waiting...

  5. Another fine unit there Mark, with wonderful animation as always. I used to hate having to glue heads on as often as not the necks looked too long. Things seem to have improved markedly since then:).

    1. Thanks Steve, I think the separate heads and arms provide a different sort of creative element to the creation of units.

  6. looks nice! I read that last sentence that you were going to take a break from these Naps to work on some other Naps...LOL 😀

    1. Thanks Stew...in a way you are correct...simply changing from the age of Napoleon III to Napoleon I?...

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks Neil. Another unit finished last night ready for basing tonight.
