Sunday, 13 November 2016

Horse, Foot and Guns

After a two week hiatus from painting because of our annual gaming weekend at Tarawera, I am back into painting the Isabelino forces for the First Carlist War.
First up are of two Royal Guard infantry units. I love painting these guys – it’s the colours you know…there is just something about a man in red trousers, don't you think...with a bit of blue and yellow thrown in?

Next up is the second unit of heavy cavalry in those yellow jackets, wonderful to see, but awful to paint.

Last is the mountain gun sets, deployed and packed for travel.

There are lots more of these to come in the next few months, including the French Foreign Legion and some British Auxiliary Legion.
This project has a targeted completion date of the end of the year.


  1. Excellent job as always and wonderful details...Royal Guard infantry is amazing, these trousers are spectacular (Well, not a good news for them!)...

    1. Thank you Phil. One day soon I hope to see this army on the table!

  2. Hi Mark - yes I agree about these figures - "REED BREEKS" look great! I would have liked to do similar for my small contribution but seems to me like you have painted 2 or even 3 Btns of the Royal Guards already, so probably don't need any more! I will have to do some in grey or white trousers I guess....

    1. I have four units of guards. The is always the Spanish Marines and the National Militia.

  3. Splendid painting, a joy to behold

    1. Thanks. There are more coming over the weeksnd, all going well.

  4. You are certainly an ambassador for this period with your painting. Great stuff.

    1. Thanks Dale. More of the same coming soon, as well as something even more exciting.

  5. There some cool additions to your collection, and the yellow coated heavy cavalry very nicely done!

    1. Thanks Russ. I agree the yellow does look good, but such a hard colourvto work with.
