Saturday 26 October 2024

Radio Silence

Things on the hobby front have been very quiet of late. In part because real life has been rather intrusive - a significant international audit has consumed a lot of time this month. In part because our gaming venue is inaccessible for a while due to construction work in the street and games there are suspended. Mainly it's because the lead pile is flat and I have nothing to paint. 

The lead pile is flat because I made the conscious decision to stop buying figures (except to complete exiting armies where specific models are yet to be released...and maybe the occasional new unit) because at 20,000 figures I have enough...although the thought of some of those Württemberg infantry from Piano Wargames have surely tested my resolve.

I haven't been totally unproductive in the hobby space. I have been working on a few more terrain tiles, but nothing is complete to show here...maybe in a few days time.

For now, in the early evening of the Saturday of a long weekend, there is little more to do than sit looking out the window at the pouring rain in the satisfaction that work in the garden in the morning and afternoon was very productive and, since neither of can be bothered cooking, I need to decide if the Chinese takeaway will be sweet and sour pork, or bami gorang...I think the latter...and a bottle of red.


  1. Funnily enough Mark one of the topics of conversation at a recent show with friends is when is enough enough? Given our age, the reality of time available to paint etc, we were all seriously thinking of culling the leadpile, to allow us to game more as well as having that cathartic clearout!

    Sitting here looking at the garden and getting ready for a good day out in it, doing loads of stuff whilst the weather holds. Or at least that's the plan...

    1. I have two complete armies that have never seen action (or even left their storage boxes) since they were painted. I have done all I can in the garden this weekend. I still have water blasting to do but I am old fashioned and don't like using noisy tools on Sundays.

  2. I cannot imagine a state in which there are no figures to paint.

  3. A rainy afternoon would have been perfect weather to paint something though. I can definitely vouch for Piano Wargames figures. Beautiful solid castings, and very clean. I couldn't resist adding a few of Lucas's Wurttemberg range to my Front Rank pile.

    1. Thankfully the rain was limited to a couple of hours after 4:30. Typical Labour Weekend weather...the Württembergers are sill a possibility.
