Wednesday 25 September 2024

The Pontoon Bridge

As a part of my current rash oddball projects I have made up a pontoon bridge building set.

I have wanted to do something like this for a long time and have eyed that Renedra pontoon bridge since it was first released maybe eight to ten years ago. Well finally I bought one...actually I bought two, because it can be built as just a wooded bridge and I figured I might have a need for one of those, but it will probably just sit unassembled in the spares area for a couple of years.

But the pontoon bridge alone was never going to be satisfactory so I bought the Perry French Napoleonic bridge builders set as well.

You can almost imagine that this shot is taken at a standup at the Grand Armée Annual Conference and the officer is saying "Good morning everyone, my name is Colonel Pivet and I would line to introduce my team: to my left is Captain Delafont, who is on secondment from the staff and whose interests include bridge building, travel, ornithology and cordon blu cooking; to his left is private Arnoux, who is the comedian of our group and likes nothing better than serving up exploding croissants to his teammates..."

I mounted them all on 20mm Renedra plastic bases, carving wooden planking into the bases for the three sappers that will be working on the bridge. The officers were given grassed bases, figuring that they probably would be observing from the bank anyway. The two lads in the water could have been left without bases, but they would likely get lost or damaged so I put some water texturing on the base and let them have a swim.

When put together with the bridge the figures make an impressive scene. Clearly this bridge is being built across the Blue Danube, although it was more brown than blue when I saw it.


The officers are very happy with everything  and are deciding where to go for coffee.

To further enhance this scene there is a set with a pontoon wagon with four more workers and various pieces of equipment, but sadly it was out of stock when I ordered these so it will have to wait for another time.


  1. Beautiful work and nice attention to detail with the basing. Workers on grass bases would have looked odd when placed on the bridge. The water does look much more inviting than the Berezina would have been, so coffee and croissants or even a few beers would be a nice way to round out a pleasant afternoon's work. The Napoleonic version of a men's shed I suppose.

    1. I based the officers with standard bases because I figured that would probably more commonly be used in staff groups rather than dirtying their hands in construction duty, especially the Chasseur who looks as though he is completely bored and longing for that coffee and a French tart...the pastry that is, of course. The other blokes, however, might be lucky to get some potato soup and a bit of stale bread.

  2. That is a nice kit and great figures to really help set the scene, which should make an excellent scenario for a game, either construction or destruction.

  3. Very nice work as always Mark....these little vignettes rarely serve any practical purpose, but they do add a certain something to the table!

    1. They are going to have a purpose in some solo games planned for next year...

  4. That is really very good indeed, what a cracking vignette it makes, the pontoon is a nice model and the figures add everything to it, really like the guys in the water, as has been said will make for a great scenario.

    1. Thanks Donnie. I will take this even further when the other set comes back into stock.

  5. The figures are excellent, really help "sell" the bridge. The battle or Fredericksburg has a good report of bridge building under fire. I think these kits with a few swaps could be used there as well.

    1. Agreed Joe, a few simple conversions to some of the plastic ACW figures could make some Civil War pontooniers. That could make an interesting little project.

  6. Excellent looking Rendra bridge and really nice crew, smart basing, I've got this set and just did itas a standard bridge, with the pontoons spare and some surplus wheels I'm considering scratch building a wagon for them, I really like the command team!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. Thanks Iain. I am in two minds whether to do the second set as a foot bridge or another pontoon bridge...I did think of using it as a pontoon bridge extension but since my rivers are only 100mm wide, is it's rather pointless!

  7. Really clever use of basing. Nice job.
    Gonna have to remember that for one day. 😏

    1. Thanks Stew. Basing us an artistic challenge go for me...I work on the theory that good basing conceals a multitude of painting flaws.

  8. A splendid and versatile addition to your collection Mark…
    I can see it being very useful in a number of different periods…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks I have to make a special terrain board to use it properly because all of my existing rivers are too narrow!
