Wednesday 18 January 2023

2nd Hanoverian Uhlans, No 16

The 2nd Hanoverian Uhlans, No 16, was a new regiment, formed after Hanover was annexed by Prussia in 1866. It completes von Barby’s 11th Cavalry Brigade and flattens the lead pile at the same time (apart for a few odds and ends from old projects, for which I cannot summon any enthusiasm at present).

And the brigade…. 

Figures for the three hussar regiments that make up von Redern’s 13th Cavalry Brigade and two horse artillery batteries, the last units to complete the 5th Cavalry Division, are on their way from Nottingham now…industrial action permitting. With their arrival a fresh, although somewhat small, lead pile will be recreated.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Neil. We shall have to see in time if looks equate to effectiveness on the table top.

  2. A great-looking unit Mark. Where is the industrial action, in the UK or at the New Zealand end?

    1. Thanks Lawrence…I am thinking of the UK postal strikes that may be over by now.

  3. Good looking unit. Hope your next shipment comes quickly and seamlessly.

    1. I am hoping that my parcel got away before the ransomware attack on the Royal Mail that has forced them to stop accepting any mail for overseas destinations!

  4. Very nice Mark - I like the square topped Polish style lancer caps too. I didn't even think about the Royal Mail strikes - I have an order coming from the UK, plus one from Spain - the latter is definitely on the way as I can see from the tracking (not available with plain old-fashioned Post-Office mail from the UK!)

    1. Thanks Keith. Every nation seemed to adopt the tachapka for a while there. The 17th Lancers had it in the Crimea, the Russians too I think and the French had in in 1870. Yes more concerning for me is that the Royal Mail have had that ransomware attack and it had screwed up all their international post. And to make matters worse I have run out of figures to paint!

  5. Another lovely looking unit Mark…
    The white facings are particularly attractive…

    Unfortunately as our glorious leaders seem to be ignoring the needs and fears of certain parts of the workforce there will probably be more disruption to come.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. We are sharing many of the same problems here.

  6. A fine looking unit and nice to see the brigade too:).

    1. Thanks Steve. I would like to get a start on that last brigade, but alas in sign of it yet.

  7. Looking F I N E. 😀

  8. What a lovely brigade...with splendid Uhlans!
