
Friday 15 May 2020

Can’t See the Wood for the Trees (2)

Following on from my earlier post I have been making trees to get a break from painting ACW figures.

Readers may recall that in the experimental tree I used a trunk made from Sculpey and I was quite happy with that. But I had a whole bunch of bare trees - sans foliage - that I made way back in 2005 when I put on a refight of Pea Ridge. That battle was fought in the  winter, so I built a collection of winter trees, some from Woodlands Scenics but the most I scratch built - all trunks and bare branches.  players in that game will remember it clearly because when moving troops in the woods they were likely to be stabbed by one of the trees. These have been sitting in the garage since that time and I thought why couldn’t these be repurposed by adding foliage using the same method described earlier.

This was the cause of another experiment where I took the bare tree, that was a wire armature....

Added the coconut fibre foliage shape and coated it with Woodlands Scenics coarse turf, conifer.

I liked the effect, but it needed some tone. I thought first of applying a lighter green turf, but chose instead to lightly spay the foliage with a bright yellow. Spraying this from a distance provided just enough of a highlight and has the added advantage of helping to secure the foliage.

So with this second experiment completed I set about adding foliage to another seven bare trunks.

The same trunks with their coconut matting foliage attached, ready to be sprayed black.

Then with the flock applied

And finally with a light spray of bright yellow.

Soon I had a wood, or at least a copse.

Finally, just in case regular readers were concerned that I was ignoring the ACW project, here is a standard sized Union cavalry regiment and a small Confederate one.

Now that the number of units in this project is stacking I think I need to organise a game to see if the vignette basing idea is going to work, before rebasing becomes too much if a chore.


  1. Those trees look great Mark, as do the ACW regiments. Didn't the trees also make an appearance in your retreat from Moscow game, and aren't you concerned you may need some winter trees at some point again in the future?

    1. I still have the the trees for the Moscow game stacked away in another box, so the option is always there. And there is another Union infantry unit under way.

  2. Hi Mark- Very good wire armature Trees- well done. I havn't seen coconut fibre before.

    1. I got the idea for the coconut fibre from this YouTube video

  3. Handsome trees and standards Mark, well done!

  4. Trees turned out nice, Mark! Always a pleasure to see your continued progress on your ACW project. Being a fan of Impetvs and TtS! single element basing, I like your vignette basing.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. Next will be some taller trees...and some more ACW!

  5. Like the coconut fibre idea, I was using lichen, but the coconut stuff seems better. Will be very interested in your conclusions about single basing.

    1. Thank you Norm. I am trying a conifer tree now.

  6. Brilliant, and the yellow really helps.

    1. Thanks Mark. In tried mixing some lighter toned flock, but it didn’t really work. The yellow just takes the edge off.

  7. The trees are great, and I have to say that I'm getting amore than a little tempted to start 28mm ACW armies.

    1. Thanks Nathan. You would love those plastic ACWs.

  8. Very nice trees Mark....hopefully we can get a game in long as there are less than ten of us, I think it would be legal now, under Level 2 Alert?

    1. Yes I have become very keen on trees and have lost of ideas to use them. I think we will be another month away for a game given the vulnerability of some of the group.

  9. Nice looking cavalry units and smart repurposed winter trees, that addition of yellow really works well!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain. I am working in a few more tree variants.

  10. Nice looking trees Mark...
    I look forward to seeing your ACW on the table and in action...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. There is another batch under way...just need to figure out how I am going to base them. I am looking forward to seeing a wargames table again...16 Feb was my last game. Can’t see it happening before the middle of June when all this social distancing stuff seems likely to end.
