
Sunday 10 May 2020

Union Infantry Regiment

This weekend I have a quick post to show this week’s effort - a regiment of Union infantry advancing at the right shoulder shift.

And surprise, surprise, more ACW regiments are to come!


  1. You're really on a roll with these now Mark, and it is turning into quite a collection. Terrific work. Looks like the pubs are opening here in Queensland next weekend, so things might be on the up the same as New Zealand.

    1. Yeah I am plugging through them now. We have our big decision tomorrow if we move down one alert level. At that level we expect bars and restaurants to open with limits of 100 patrons and appropriate distances maintained. I am back in the office tomorrow for some urgent software updates that need to be actioned, but I think I will be lucky to see more than half a dozen people in a space that normally houses 200. Still at least the traffic should be light!

    2. I have just reread and pubs are only 20 people here until the middle of July. I'm now looking forward to catching up with the boys at our Friday-night spot over the next couple of weeks and proclaiming "It's not as popular here as it used to be, is it?". Have fun back at the office - at least that will feel like another step on the road back.

    3. It was a strange office, with just three in the building...We have just gone down one level. Restaurants and malls can open from this Thursday and bars from Thursday week, with a limit of 100 and the must all be seated.

  2. Well done Mark, they look great!

  3. More ACW this rate, we are going to have to have an ACW game sometime soon!

    1. On day soon. There should be a division a side by some time in June.

  4. Nice work, Mark, but only ONE regiment off the painting desk this week? Highly irregular!

    1. I do have a few other things in play though...

  5. Another fine unit Mark...
    You must be getting close to a parade...

    All the best. Aly
