
Wednesday 8 April 2020

Two More ACW Units

Day fourteen of the lockdown. Technically I’m on holiday...well more a working holiday since I am still on call and three hours of my first “day off” has been at work.

I managed to get out yesterday to the supermarket. While I waited in the queue to get in, respecting social distancing, a young supermarket worker came up to me and asked if I wanted to go to the head of the queue. For the briefest of moments I thought that this was some sort of  “lucky shopper” idea and being the fair minded chap I am, I declined. Then it dawned on me that this was allowing older people into the store more quickly. “My God,” I thought, “do I look that old!...I’m only 61!” Anyway, I did my shopping and was queued at the checkout, when the same chap came to me and took me to a special checkout...this time I didn’t decline. I figure sometimes there is an advantage to having some gray in your beard.

But back to the toys...and completed today are two ACW units...

. ..a Union gun set and...

... the 5th New York infantry, on their temporary base.


  1. They let seniors in an hour early to shop here. But I am not getting up at ^! I still shop with the young'ins.

    1. Yes we are doing that here too. Of course my wife thinks it is hilarious!

  2. Cracking job, splendid colors!!

    1. Thank you Phil. I hope all is well with you in France.

  3. Very nice work on these Mark, particularly the Zouaves

    1. And I have another unit to do and it will have pale blue uniforms.

  4. Replies
    1. Hmmm, but I am not sure I want that privilege just yet!

  5. Love the Zouaves especially, Mark! Sometimes rank (or age) has its privileges.

  6. After having had that coffee with you last year, I can vouch for that fact you don't look a day over 59. Lovely figures, and I too especially like the Zouaves.

    1. And strangely, have you noticed, there area times you still look at the world with eyes of a 30 year old, and the wisdom of a 20 year old?

    2. According to my wife I have the wisdom of a late-teens adolescent when I have been out for a long Friday afternoon lunch with the boys. The last one of those was eight weeks ago, and it already seems like a different era.

  7. Hi Mark

    I see you are still a painting machine , hope you are well


    1. Gkday Bruce. All is well with us thanks. Painting is a little slow at the moment actually, as I try to stretch out the current stock if figures until suppliers come back on line.

    2. im combined to barracks and un charateristicallt finish all my pendig wargames projects

  8. Nice artillery and lovely zouaves! Always good to get to the front of the que!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank Iain... more infantry and guns to come...I’ll be staying away from the supermarket as much as possible in the next couple of weeks.
