
Monday 6 April 2020


As day eleven of the lockdown begins I look out my study window while I wait for some massive files to copy from a network drive to a shared drive to a gray day, although it is brightening now. Sadly it looks as though this will mark the end of the golden weather that has prevailed throughout the first ten days of lockdown, with rain and wind forecast for later in the week. Not that we should not be complaining about the arrival of rain because parts of the country are still short of water from the summer drought. But the mild early autumn weather we have had for the last two weeks had certainly made lockdown more bearable and we have been able to get out and walk in the sunshine or catch up with all those chores in the garden. It certainly has made the standing in supermarket queues that run around the full outer boundary of the carpark a better experience that standing in the wind and rain.

We are fortunate where we are in that we have a park near us, built around two large stormwater ponds. Yesterday morning was a stunning - warm, windless and not a cloud in the sky, as these snapshots show.

But while the day is grayer it was significantly brightened when a little after 6:15, as I waited for the laptop to fire up, a courier dropped of a carton of vital supplies.

This should see us through the rest of the scheduled lockdown, although if it extends beyond the end of the month another emergency delivery may be required.

On the painting front, work on the ACW armies continues with two more units completed, but not based, and a number of work interruptions yesterday prevented me from doing anything productive on the ACW Campaign front.


  1. With your resupply in hand, you can hold-out a bit longer. Stay well.

    1. We are due to come out of lockdown on 23 April, but I suspect we will be in for another two weeks of it.

  2. Glad to see the wine made it. I should send a photo of my scotch larder.

  3. Nice ramble Mark ......and this is why couriers are deemed an essential service provider! Re the weather, it might actually help as it will mean less people traipsing around the streets for no good reason! PS I just took my dog for a walk as I am in my "off" hours...back to work at 1400 NZST.

    1. And a very efficient courier it was too...not your lot though I am afraid. I had my walk about 1600. After our discussion I have broken out War and Peace.

  4. If the uneven advice you're getting is anything like ours in Australia, I'd be ordering another case. We have estimates from six weeks to another six months in the space of three consecutive interviews that I listened to on the news this morning alone.

    1. It is pretty clear that the action we have taken here to lockdown early has been the best course. I think we will be in a position to see if it has worked by the end of this week. As for more wine, I think it is a given...the first details on redundancies are out tomorrow and either way wine will be required!

    2. Interesting you mention redundancies Mark, Amy flew to Chc yesterday but has nothing else on her roster at this stage...she was just saying, they had some kind if podcast online meeting to answer some of the 400 questions submitted by flight crew but they still can't tell them anything about the redundancy process.....
