
Thursday 21 April 2016

Russian Napoleonic Infantry

In between painting units of cossacks I have been working on the Russian Napoleonic infantry. My last order contained a box of these that allowed me to complete another two and a half battalions, and all of the command figures for the musketeer battalions.

The remaining four boxes of figures that are required to complete the twelve battalions that I intend to paint for this army will not be arriving until at least August. Unlike previous years, where I have been a little undisciplined in my purchases, this year is to a strict schedule...a schedule that sees the next four months completely dedicated to the British, French and Russian Crimean armies.

Here they are. First is the whole of the first infantry brigade, the Smolensk and Odessa regiments, in line of battalion columns.

These next three shots are all five battalions formed in column of divisions.

I have always liked the Russian Napoleonic army so it is nice to have some of them back in my collection.

The rest of the week will see a return to the cossacks.


  1. That looks impressive. It's coming along nicely Mark.

    1. Thanks Nathan, I would love for them to come along a bit quicker, but her-indoors has a significant birthday coming up and cash has to be syphoned off for that!

  2. Very nice - Russian Naps always look good on mass!

    1. I just thought that this is my third group of Russians in my collections: Napoleonic, Crimean and Russo-Japanese Wars...and I have yet another one I have on the distant radar, the Great Northern War

  3. Cool, they look impressive and disciplined, great job!

    1. They may look disciplined, but I will reserve judgement until they come under fire for tye first time!

  4. Russians look fantastic! You really are a painting machine!

    1. Yes I an surprised by the volume I am getting through. I thought this would be a slow year, but I have almost matched last year's total in the first three months of the year!

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Sorry Jonathan, pressed renmove content instead of reply...and there was no "are you sure" button! That text was That is impressive productivity!

      I must say, though, looking at your own output, there is no slacking on your part.
