
Saturday 16 April 2016


This week has seen the arrival of three units of cossacks that I intend to use for both the Napoleonic and Crimean Wars.

I chose the Ataman Cossacks from Perry Miniatures in winter dress because they best match the images I have of the Crimean War cossacks. What great little figures these are, full of character abd the castings are clean and crisp.

The first unit has been done in brown coats. 

The next unit will be in blue and the final one in grey.

Finally, for Jonathan, who asked me about the compatibility of the Foundry and Great War Miniatures Crimean War ranges, here is  shot with a stand of Foundry French/Sardinian infantry on the left and the Great War British infantry on the right. The Foundry are 25mm and the Great War 28mm.


  1. Nice work Mark. Those Cossacks should prove to be a thorn in the side of a number of nineteenth century opponents. Quite a lot of difference between the two figures, but I guess it isn't as obvious on the table when they are deployed apart from each other.

    1. Thanks Nathan. The cossacks were a lot of fun, but the cast metal lances proved to be a pain and have been replaced with plastic ones. I am not too worried about the difference in figure height. It can really only be seen when the stands are side by side, and they will exist as complete units, not mixed. If I really wanted to, a double thickness base would probably resolve the issue.

  2. Beautiful job on these unseful Cossacks, from the base to the top of the spear!

    1. Thanks Phil, I agree, cossacks are indeed a very useful troop type.

  3. Very nice! Do you know how the figures from Warlord Games compare height wise with the others?

    1. The only means kf comparrison between Warlord and Perry, is with their Prussian Landwher set - the fitted in perfectly with the Perry figures.

  4. Beautiful cossacks! Great work Mark.

    1. Thanks Rogder. The next unit will be assembled tonight.

  5. Outstanding Cossacks! I may need a unit of these chaps for my own project.
    Appreciate your figure comparison. Great War figures tower over Foundry but on the gaming table, I bet these differences tend to vanish. One more figure comparison to these Perry Cossacks compare with Foundry's Crimean War Cossacks?

    1. Now that is a comparrision I can't make, because I don't own any Foundry cossacks. What I have done is compare them to the Foundry Chasseurs d'Afrique. The difference is significant; Foundry 43mm compared to Perry 50mm. However, with cossacks I venture to say that provide you did not mix the figures in the same unit you could get away with this variation, arguing the differences in horse breeds from the different parts of the Empire.

  6. Nicely done, just hearing the word Cossacks brings up such a strong image! And these certainly look the part
