
Monday 11 April 2016

Yet More Crimean War Figures

Its been a busy week on the painting front. The focus has been on the British infantry and cavalry that arrived just over a week ago.

To the 20th Foot, the 17th Lancers and some of the mounted commanders that were completed last week, I have added the 11th Hussars, the 21st and 63rd Foot and two more mounted officers.

The 11th Hussars

The 21st Foot

The 63rd Foot

The infantry brigade in line of battalions

The Generals

I must say that I enjoy working with these Great War Miniatures, but I have a one complaint about them - the connection to the bases are very weak in places. In fact the hussars were so weak that I had to insert steel pins into some of the horses, particularly the trumpeter who had completely broken off his base. In several other instancesp figures have such small bases that I have had to either enlarge the base with green stuff or put additional basing material around the base.

Next is back to Russians - Napoleonic infantry and some soon to arrive cossacks.


  1. Superb, love this wonderful cavalry unit!

    1. Thanks Phil. I think that British military uniforms hit their highest point at this is just a shame that their military leadership was not to the same high standard!

  2. You have been busy at the painting desk! This project is growing by leaps and bounds. Especially love the hussars. How do the Great War Miniatures fit alongside Foundry's CW range?

    1. Yes I am on a tight schedule with this army to get it finished by October. The Great War figure are talled than the Foundry, the former being 28mm while tha latter are 25mm. They probably would not mix in a unit, but as separate units they will be fine. I have used their French for Sardinians (even though the uniforms are not quite correct) and their artillery, since Great War don't do French artillery yet. I will try to get a few comparrison photos so you can see the variance.

  3. The hussars really look the part, they make a cracking addition! The basing really finishes them off perfectly

    1. Yes the hussars are great. I have another regiment of hussars to do (and two of light dragoons) to complete the brigade. They will arrive next month.
