
Sunday 24 April 2016

More Cossacks

I have now completed the three units of cossacks that will be used for both the Crimean and Napoelonic Wars.

The blue unit (above and below) was finished first,

...followed by the Brown unit and....

...finally, all three units.

With the completion of these three units the lead pile is exhausted. Orders for the rest of the Light Brigade and the first French infantry figures for the Crimea will be placed in the next few days, but they won't arrive for another ten days or so. 

I shall have to find some sort of short project.


  1. Fantastic job Mark. Bit worried that you have exhausted the lead pile. You must have some tucked away. I can you some of mine if you like :-)
    Best wishes.

  2. Wonderful Cossacks Mark, excllent job!

    1. Thank you Phil. They were fun figures to work with.

  3. Splendid work! I could use some of these fine fellows for my own project.

    1. Thank you Jonathan. When it cones to a Russian army, I don't think you can have foo many cossacks!

  4. Mark, it's been a pleasure discovering your blog and reading through the archives. I've always been a fan of your buildings and terrain pieces back to the earliest days of Military Miniatures where your pieces did so much to raise the visual standard of wargaming in New Zealand.
    I'm just returning to 25/28mm after a break of 30 odd years so your blog is very much an inspiration.

    1. Thank you Peter. I have always enjoyed the visual part of the hobby. That and the social side often outweigh the actual gaming. I can still recall having dinner with you, Evan and another gamer whose face I can see, but whose name escapes me, in a restaurant in Wellington at a National Convention probably back in the early or mid-1990s.
