
Thursday 20 April 2023


Fresh off the conveyor belt is the First Battalion, Regiment Freiherr von Zach, Number 15. Formed in 1701 it served in the War of Austrian Succession and in the Seven Years War as Regiment Pallavicini. From 1792-99 it was under the inhabership of Prinz zu Oranien, was vacant until 1801 when it transferred Frieherr von Rieske, before becoming Freiherr von Zach in 1806.

The new inhaber, Anton Freiherr von Zach, had entered the service in 1788. He served in the Revolutionary War campaigns  in Italy at Lodi, Borghetto, Rovereto and Novi. As Austrian chief of staff to the Austrian Army at Marengo he was captured and later was involved in the negotiated truce that followed. He was back in Italy in 1809 fighting at Sacile, Piave River and Graz. He did not serve in the field again after 1809 and he gave up the inhabership in 1815

By the 1850s the inhaber was Adolf Herzegovina zu Nassau, but the regiment did not see service in the was in 1859. It was engaged in 1866 in Ludwig’s 8th Corps. In 1898 the inhaber was Troppau, ten years later it was Wilhelm Grosherzog von Luxembourg. Its final inhaber, In 1914, was Feirherr von Georgi. 


  1. Quite martial in the red facings, a storied unit. Pushing out the Austrians at a fair clip these last few months. Impressive.

    1. Thanks. I was tossing up weather to do red or yellow won.

  2. Excellent! With your prolific painting output, I always wondered if you paint using a conveyor belt approach.

    1. It's probably not quite like a conveyor belt because unlike some painters who work on a whole unit at once, I just work on six foot, three mounted or one gun set in an evening. This fulfils my need for some sort of sense of completion in an session.

  3. Great work Mark. Thirty-six figures looks about right for these Austrian battalions. It gives a suitably impressive appearance without taking up half the table.

    1. Thanks Lawrence. But those 36 figure units sure take their toll!

  4. Great looking figures Mark, I love the 'on campaign' look - Chris

  5. Another nice looking unit Mark…
    The red facings work really well …

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. I did struggle with this unit, but got there in the end.

  6. A fine unit there Mark and a good choice with the red facings, as they make a nice contrast to the green details on the hats.

    1. Thanks Steve. Those little splashes old colour certainly give them a lift.

  7. There was a comment from Stew, saying "the units keep coming (or words to that effect)" but I seem to have deleted it in error...Sorry Stew...I'm not trying to snub you...honestly!

    1. /Stew runs away crying but comes back with a brave face and tear streaks on his cheeks.....
