
Monday 24 April 2023

Austrian Jägers

Before I get on to the real subject of this post, I encountered a Blogger irregularity the other day. Checking my comments I noted 66 comments, going back over six years, listed as spam. They weren't present a few days ago and I know that I always try to reply to comments within a day. So there is: a mystery as to why they suddenly appeared in the spam folder, an apology to anyone whose comment had gone unanswered and a question - has anyone else encountered this oddity?

And now to the real subject, the presentation of a jäger battalion to join the Varazdin-Stankt Georger Grenz Regiment, number 6, the wurst battery (and at some point soon a hussar regiment) as a part of an Austrian light brigade.

While the whole battalion consists of six stands, I have arranged the unit with two command stands so that I can break if unit two small units.

There is a nice mix of poses in the two sets that make up the unit. That said, the kneeling firing figure looks as though the master was distorted in the moulding process and he is aiming to one side, but looking in a different direction - in fact he looks a bit like Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock playing The Star Spangled Banner with his teeth, but dressed as an Austrian jäger...a small complaint in what is still an excellent bunch of figures.


  1. The Jagers look superb. As for the blogger issue. Happened to me for 3 days running, 100+ comments Mark as spam. Quite a few were my replies

    1. Thanks Neil. There are often one or two comments in spam where the algorithm has made some sort of judgement call based on terminology, but never this many and to suddenly find so many from so long ago (and like you many were my own comments)...I had checked the folder last week and it was empty...very odd.

  2. First, congratulations on your jagers, great job....the dual command is a great idea given the frequent deployment into smaller groups. Light divisions are so much fun to fill in.

    The spamming despite your gate keeping probably happened over a small number of intrusions, I have noticed the same words in spam posts into several blog entries at roughly the same time. Evidently blogger is not fool proof on that sort of thing. Luckily it was small in number and did not come back.

    1. The light brigade looks to be quite a flexible formation, but probably better fighting on the military border rather than against the massed battles in Germany and France.

  3. More gret work on the Austrians Mark. I have not had the problem you mention (as far as I am aware) but Mr Freitag had a couple of comments go astray in the last few weeks and I found both in the spam folder, once I went looking......

    1. Only two battalions of line to go in this collection....

  4. I really love the animation of the figures and they way you have posed them on their bases, which is lovely! I too have had the odd comment appear in my spam folder (which I check regularly) from a good few years ago, with no rhyme nor reason as to why it is happening. Very frustrating!

    1. I agree the animation is great, especially in the command pack.

  5. I like the Jimi Hendrix style figure. Jager Heinrichs perhaps? I have always thought that the Austrian Jagers was one of the plainest uniforms of the Napoleonic era but they look great here.

    1. I guess Jäger Heinrichs could form a super group with Mick Jäger...I agree it is a very plain uniform, but very practical...

  6. I haven't had the spam issue but I haven't posted anything in over a month...
    but anyway nice looking troops. continuing to crank them out I see.
    (as an aside, I continue to find the hats of Nap troops to be strange looking😀 ).

    1. Thanks Stew. You should see my Carlist War armies I think every unit has a different type of hat - berets, shako, helmets, bonnet caps, top hats, stocking caps, broad rimmed hats, bicornes, forage caps...the list goes on...and on...and on 😄

  7. Another nice addition to your collection Mark.
    They may be a bit grey but I think that they are still an attractive looking unit…
    There is definitely something up with Hendrix… the image on the website looks perfectly natural…
    I think blogger are probably updating something for some pointless reason… I have also had a number of my own replies end up in the Spam folder… also Norton keeps telling me that certain/lots of blogs are actually spamming websites…. Yes one of them was yours 😳🙄.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. I am on first name terms with Mr Norton, he keeps telling me that my subscription has expired and that my computer is at serious risk and that for a special rate I can be protected again 😊.
