
Wednesday 1 June 2022

Värmland Jagares

The Värmland Jagare Regimente regiment presented here didn’t actually serve in the Finnish War, but I didn’t know that when I ordered them.

That said, the Karelska Jagare regiment present in the Savolaks Brigade wore a very similar uniform although they wore the standard top hat without the green crest. For a while I did consider converting the figures by whipping the heads off some line troops, but what would I do with 24 headless figures? I can’t abide waste like that.

So I have decided that the Värmland regiment will replace the Karelska regiment in my structure - when did historical accuracy get in the way of a good model soldier collection!

And here is the Savolaks Brigade on parade…

The whole brigade, including two batteries of the Savolaks artillery regiment

…on the left the Savolaks jâger regiment 
 covered by two companies of the Värmland Jägers

…and on the right the Savolaks Infantry Regiment
covered by the other two companies of the Värmland Jägers

This collection is rapidly coming to a conclusion with just four battalions and a few guns required to finish it. All of the figures have been purchased and are stacked in the queue.

The only outstanding item will be the mounted officers, that are not yet available…need to convince the Perrys to make them!


  1. Never let a good figure go to waste. Fine looking lads, Mark!

    1. It’s a bit of a dull uniform to work with, but the final result is pleasing.

  2. They look great Mark. It's funny how those little things can be annoying when you are in the process of completing the unit, but are quickly forgotten when you move on to the next one. I'd also imagine that not many would know the Varmland Jagers didn't actually fight in the Finnish War.

    1. The problem is that I know, but already moved on!

  3. Another lovely unit there Mark and a wise move to tweak the OOB to accomodate them. Great to see the nearly finish force on parade too:).

    1. Thanks Steve. Only one more brigade to go.

  4. A nice looking nit and the brigade looks very impressive en masse Mark. Just don't tell Rick they should not be one else will care!

    1. Thanks Keith. In some ways I find it quite a sinister looking unit.

  5. Great looking unit of Jagers!
    Best Iain

  6. Another nice unit Mark…
    When I start a new collection I always plan to base things around a historical order of battle… and then of course I find lots of pretty units that weren’t there… I prefer the pretty units 😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. I must admit it is usually the pretty units that attract my inner magpie. Often I build an entire army around it…the French in Egypt being the case in point…those dromedary troops were too much to resist and became the hook for the rest that followed.
