
Sunday 29 May 2022

Two Units and a Game…at Last!

I realised yesterday that I haven’t posted since the 18th when we returned from our sojourn in the Deep South. It is not that I haven’t been doing any hobby work or have been layed low by the plague, rather real life has intruded into preferred life and absorbed too much of my time. The net result is that units that have been painted for a few days have lingered far too long in the basing department. That said, here are two newly completed units.

The first is the First Battalion Régiment de Saintonge for the French AWI army to go with the Second Battalion presented back in February.

This finishes Régiment de Saintonge. The last unit in my intended French force is on the painting table now.

The second unit is the Second Battalion 53rd Regiment for the Prussian army for 1870.

There are only eight battalions still to go in this force (including the jäger battalion just ordered).

And finally last Friday we actually managed a face-to-face game! A Borderer’s game in which three raiding parties attempted to raid cattle from a family farm with the farm owner, supported by a small force with the local warden tried to fend them off. I managed to completely wipe out the defending farmer and his supporters while my two fellow raiders gathered up two thirds of the cattle. I am sure that Keith will write up a more complete report of the event.

Up in truth we spent more time talking (having seen each other so rarely since January) than gaming, but a  game, a good natter and a shared meal was just the ticket after a difficult week in the coal mines.


  1. Excellent brushwork on two different projects. Great to see you gaming again and especially seeing Keith’s armies on the table.

    1. Yes the bulk of the figures were indeed Keith’s, but they were probably only 10% of his vast Borderers collection.

  2. Congratulations on having a game. Especially getting together with a friend.

    Especially like the French AWI regiment very much. Very well done. White uniforms are difficult to do but you did it. The Prussian battalion is also excellent and they look fantastic.

    1. Thank Mark. I am working on the second battalion of the Deux Ponts Regimdnt now…a bit of a variation from the white uniform.

  3. Another couple of fine additions to your collections Mark and the pics you have taken certainly show off my figures to best advantage! You are right about the percentage though....I ended up buying far too many Reivers really!

    1. But on a a bigger table with more players it would be a lost campaign like and you would need plenty of lads.

  4. Even when you are being slow… you still manage to paint many more toys than I could…😁
    It’s good to see Keith’s toys getting an outing…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Truth be know is was as much a treat to just natter as it was to actually game.

  5. Great job on the two units How nice to se a border raid in an AAR! Looks great, and neat you had fun. Regards,Joe

    1. Thank Joe, it was only four turns I think, but it was nice to move a few figures around.

  6. Wonderful stuff, the mass ranks are certainly coming along. Nice to see the borders get on the table.

    1. Thanks Stu. There is light at the end of the Prussian tunnel now!

  7. Nice work Mark. Prussians aside, that is quite an AWI French collection you have been building. Could you put on some French Revolutionary games with them as well, against Austrians? Keith's Borderers is probably the perfect way to get the gaming momentum moving again.

    1. The revolutionary uniform is quite different. I do have a few revolutionary units and one day will expand that to face the Russians in the alps. Gaming is set to get going again with Barry out of hospital and slowly recovering. Maybe in a couple of weeks we can get a game in at his place.

    2. I was going to ask about Barry and was only thinking about him this morning. Good news he seems to be on the mend.

    3. I spoke with him yesterday. He is very tired but improving daily it is still a long road to recovery. The turns 85 next month.

  8. Two new units and a good time gaming with friends: what's not to like?!
