
Saturday 2 April 2022

Mounted Officers for Three Armies

This post sees the completion of three sets of mounted officers.

First out of the blocks are three mounted colonels for the French Army in North America during the War of Independence. These are intended for use as brigadiers. I have done them in the uniform of the three regiments that will be included in this collection: (left to right) Royal Deux-Ponts, Saintonge, and Soissonnais.

Second are four Argentine generals for the Great Paraguayan War. I hadn’t intended to do any more Argentine  troops, but when I started to work out orders of battles for games I found I was short of four commanders - the Argentines had a very short command structure in which the divisions counted two brigades each of two battalions, so my eight battalions needed six infantry commanders and the cavalry brigade needed a commander too. The officer with charging with the raised sword is actually a figure from the Brazilian officers set, but by giving him some red trousers, a red kepi and a bit of gold trim he makes a perfectly good Argentine cavalry officer.

Third are two more Brazilian officers to provide them with the extra couple needed to complete their order of battle.

The only loose ends on the Paraguayan War now are two Brazilian gun sets (on their way from Nottingham right now) and some fortress guns (that nine weeks after ordering them have finally left Australia) for the Paraguayan gun crew that are calmly awaiting their arrival on the painting tray.


  1. Excellent! You must be getting toward the finish line on these projects when brigadiers begin appearing off the workbench.

    1. You are quite right Jonathan. Those two projects are at the tail end…the French have three battalions and the Paraguayan War has just the guns to go. While there are still plenty of FPW and Napoleonic Swedes in the pipeline, I think I will need to add another project to the lead/plastic pile to provide some painting variety.

  2. Very nice senior commanders Mafk....I particularly like the third French officer on the rearing horse

    1. Thanks Keith. All the figures in the French AWI are really nice and to my eye better than some of the Brits and Americans.

  3. Lovely work as usual Mark. The French officer uniform of the AWI period is very nice, although Soissonnais would be difficult to say after a few glasses.

    1. And the figures have great character to them. On the other hand it might be easier to say Soissonnais with a bit of a slur!

  4. Where have you ordered fortress guns from?

    1. I ordered them from OTP Terrain in Australia. They are 3D printed to order. I have ordered two sets each of six different types of guns.

  5. Lovely work all round there Mark and a cracking range of poses too. I tend to use the more dynamic ones in my 10mm armies for the cavalry, those that are static for infantry or higher command.

    1. I agree, a cavalry commander MUST have panache!

  6. Great selection of officers and a excellent execution on the painting! I am deciding on a small AWI project, your opinion on the French castings is making me lean towards well as the units you have showcased.

    1. They are lovely castings. I have three more battalions ready to go.

  7. Love all those paint jobs but I particularly have been enjoying all your Triple Alliance war collection. They really look the part. I did that war years back in 10mm using most ACW troops but your bigger more accurate figs make me so jealous.
    Great work! Looking forward to AARs!

    1. I considered doing this collection in 15mm way back in the 1980s because Frei Korps 15 did a very large and complete range. I am glad I waited for these figures to come along. I am working on the last of the Brazilian gun sets now and they will all be completed by Friday.
