
Friday 8 April 2022

Brazilian Artillery

Today saw the basing finished on the last of the Brazilian artillery for the Great Paraguayan War.

These are two gun sets equipped with French La Hitte 4lb guns along with the limber sets for all four of the Brazilian guns.

Also completed within the last week is the Second Battalion 55th Regiment for the Franco-Prussian War collection.


  1. Super work, Mark! You really are a Painting Machine.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. Not much else to do but paint at the moment…no games in the pipeline, daylight saving has ended and the it is starting feel a bit cooler in the evenings…winter is coming!

  2. Lovely work there Mark, with the black woodwork of the guns and limbers particularly striking:).

  3. Nice looking units. Perry figures for the Brazilians?

  4. Great work Mark - you have done more in a week than I have done in a month I think - need some new figures to get me going again!

    1. Thanks Keith. I am lucky that I have enough painting stock on hand to see me through to the end of June, and then another order in play that will extend to the end of July.

  5. You certainly produce well painted units at an amazing clip. Sorry to hear of the lack of games for you at present. Things turn around, hopefully sooner than later. Both collections certainly look suitably warlike.

    1. The gaming will start again at some point. It will be nice to see all these figures on the table.

  6. Very nice indeed Mark. Hopefully you will be able to get them on a table soon. Out of the immediate family of nine, seven of us have now had COVID, with only one daughter and myself to go, across four different episodes.

    1. I hope they will see action soon too. We have managed to avoid the Lurgi so far. I am getting a little tired of having to do Rapid Antigen Tests every time I go into the office.
