
Tuesday 1 October 2019

A North American Theme

After a month or more of working on European subjects, the last week has seen the completion of a couple of North American items.

First of all at two American command bases for the War of 1812. These were a part of the pack I got from Foundry a couple of months ago, but the the two mounted figures were missing their horses. The horses finally arrived and here they are based ready for a command.

Then there is the first two of what will be six battalions of British infantry for the American Revolution.

They are they first units that I painted using the new Games Workshop Contrast Paints. I am really pleased with the way the reds and whites came out, but the jury is still out on the overall result.


  1. You waste no time in getting back from holiday and hitting the painting desk with gusto. A pleasure seeing your AWI project.

    1. In truth all but a few of the figures shown here were done before our break, but not based. The AWI project is really just to support other player’s collections and will simply be six battalions a gun and some mounted officers. However, a French AWI force is a VERY attractive proposition!

  2. Very nice Mark, and that is a lovely shade of red. I have heard good things about the GW contrast paints but have yet to try them.

    1. The thing I like about the red is that a single coat like this gives a slightly faded look, but a second coat gives a greater depth. That said I did a Bavarian light battalion using them, but I don’t like the outcome. I am about to start the second battalion using my traditional technique.

  3. I'm really impressed with that contrast red. I've been using the grey on my WSS French troops, but I might pick up that red for the British. Which one is it?

    1. The red works REALLY well, as does the black, white and yellow, but I struggled with the grey.

  4. Nice American command and good looking Brits for the AWI!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. There will be a bit of a concerted effort on the AWI in the next few weeks.
