
Friday 27 September 2019

A Brief Visit to a Warmer Climate and Cossacks!

Last week we took advantage of a slow time for us both at work for a brief trip to Fiji. Three days in and around the pool in temperatures of 29C (84F) with a full butler service and free drinks during the happy hour (as evidenced below as cocktail number four miraculously appeared in my hand on Friday evening).

Only four decisions were required the whole time we were there: read book or swim in pool; beer or cocktail; burger or pizza (there was a salad option, but who really wants salad on holiday?); where to eat dinner.

For reading material on this brief trip I took with me the Robert K. Massie biography of Catherine the Great that I have had sitting around unread for several years. And quite topical given the upcoming mini-series starting Helen Mirren. What a fabulous read and I have powered into it – no mean feat for me because I am easily distracted and it usually takes me a months to finish a book. Could this be the start of a Seven Years War or even a Potemkin’s Wars collection?

Of course my sojourn was all over too soon and I have been back at work this week in a wet and windy Auckland. Which leads me to the Cossacks!

As a part of the Crimean War cavalry expansion, which involves changing the basing for all of the cavalry units from two figures per stand to three, all three Cossack units from the collection have been expanded by three figures each and then rebased.

The same units, of course, will be able to be used with the Napoleonic Russians.


  1. Tranquil travel photos and superb Cossacks. Who makes the figures?

    1. Thank you Jonathan. The figures are all Perry Napoleonic Russians. These particular chaps are the Ataman Cossacks in winter dress.

  2. Living the dream. Surely you must be in line for some honorific from the Fijian government for keeping their tourism industry in such good health. Lovely cossacks and the new additions have mixed in seamlessly.

    1. Well we are entitled to use the frequent visitor queue at immigration now...just kidding. But the hotel crew are starting to remember our names now...worse still is when the barman starts to pour your drink as soon as you walk towards the bar!

  3. Many splendid photos, lucky man...and the cavalry is awesome %ark, love the second regiment...

  4. Nice looking holiday destination! Lovely looking Cossacks!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. I wish I was back in the islands now, as another storm is due to come our way this week.

  5. Brilliant miniatures and painting! ALso like this era. Very underrated, unfortunately.

    1. Regrettably the era suffers from gamers focusing on the historical outcome of the war rather than the possibilities. If one looks at the potential of some actions say in the Balkans, say if the Campaign there had run further and the British and French had become involved there, or if the British and French had been involved in the eastern front, around Kars, and the outlook for the era changes completely.
