
Friday 12 July 2019

War of 1812 Generals, and more.

In eleven day’s time I have a War of 1812 game planned. It has been more than two years in the planning and all the troops have been collected and painted by myself and Keith (at Bydand blog), but I had failed to ensure that I had the required number of American generals. Hurriedly I ordered some from Wargames Foundry. Then I had the horrible thought that they might not arrive in time to be painted for the game.

Fortunately my friend Julian had a pack of Old Glory War of 1812 US command and I offered to paint them so that we would them for the game. Here are four of the six figures in the pack (the remaining two are painted but not yet based).

Also completed and based is the second unit of refurbished American Civil War troops and a command stand for the same.


  1. Looking good! I await your 1812 battle report. Are your ACW figures Dixon?

    1. Thank you Jonathan. It should be an interesting game. Yes the figures are Dixon. I should have another six units refurbished by the end of next week. The group went through a “phase” in the early 1990’s and all collected Dixon ACW armies. There are three or four divisions a side amongst the various players.

  2. Nice work Mark - I take it from a) the fact Julian had these and b) they are in a pack of 6, that they are old Glory figures?

    1. Thanks Keith. And the answer is yes in both cases. I will get the last two figures based up tomorrow.

  3. Very nice and lucky they were available. Wargames Fiundry are good but I ave noticed that orders can sometimes take a while to arrive even taking into account that there are coming from the UK.

    1. The Foundry figures may arrive in time, but the will have to be here by Tuesday at the latest to be completed before we head off to Tarawera in 10 days.

  4. My understanding is that the American troops might do better without the generals! Great to have them available though.

    1. Well it got close to no generals because the Foundry order didn’t arrive yesterday.

  5. Mark hii great to see your work and knowing you are still there churning out these beautiful Armies .
    Really hope you and all guys are fit and well there .I drop in here from time to time to catch up on your world .
    Are you all at Tarawera this weekend? July 14th I remember the date well .
    Say hi to everyone there ..May your dice be lucky ..

    1. Giddy Paul. Good to hear from you...been a while. Tarawera is coming soon...not soon enough for me mind you. Yes all are well thanks. Will pass on your regards.

  6. Very nice Mark...
    I really like the simplicity of the American Generals uniforms... the contrast nicely with the slightly more flamboyant British Staff.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. I agree with the simplicity of the uniforms. Looking forward to the big game (well it is quite a small-ish game really) now.

  7. Good looking generals and nice looking ACW unit!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. There are another four units on the basing table right now. I am powering through these.

  8. I do like the generals on the first picture, great work!

    1. Thank you Phil. I have two more completed now and will post an image in the next few days.
