
Sunday 7 July 2019

Late WWI Game

Today’s regular Sunday game was a WWI battle set in 1918.

The scenario was set in northern France with a French brigade, supported by an American Regiment, in pursuit of the retreating Germans. While the French troops paused for morning coffee and croissants in a ruined village, the Germans turned back with two infantry regiments and a company of storm troopers to slow the pursuit.

The German plan was to go hard on the right with the storm troopers and the weaker of the infantry regiments, while the stronger Westphalian regiment supported by an A7 tank would hold the French right until the stormtroopers made some headway, then turn that holding action into an assault if there were prospects for success.

Things started well for the Germans with their artillery having good effect, but the stormtroopers failed to break the French and retired in disorder.

On the German left the French managed to drive one, then a second company of Westphalians and their  FT17 tanks became entangled in a slugging match with the A7, which the A7 eventually won.

Meanwhile on the other flank the German artillery and machine guns took their toll on the French and one regiment quit the field while the second regiment retired. This left the Americans to carry the fight on their own on this flank and they too began to suffer from the German gunfire and ground to a halt.

Here the game fight ended. The Germans, despite taking heavy losses had stalled the Allied pursuit.

I didn’t take a lot of photos, being too heavily engaged in the game, but lots of fun as had busy all.


  1. A great looking game Mark.
    It looks like fun.

    1. Thanks Stu. The armies looked great (none of the figures were mine BTW) and I wish I had taken more pictures.

  2. Beautiful armies and game layout. How could participating in a such a handsome game not be fun?

    1. I couldn’t agree more on all accounts Jonathan.

  3. That all looks great. Was it 28mm, and what rules did you use?

  4. Looks awesome, wonderful vehicles!

    1. Thank you Phil. That A7 looks awesome, doesn’t it?

  5. I was talking with Chris on the way home and sounded like more or less everyone involved was wiped out!

    1. Except him! He lost two tanks, but the rest of his command was intact. We Germans were completely fought out and had to retire, but the Allied pursuit would have had to regroup.

    2. Yes that's basically what he said too Mark!

  6. Great looking game,got to love the ungainly A7v!
    Best Iain

    1. I agree it is a great beast...not my model unfortunately, but a wonderful beast.
