
Friday 5 July 2019

Peninsular British Finished…almost

This week has seen the completion of the final two battalions I am doing for the Peninsular War.

One battalion has red facings, the other blue, neither representing any particular regiment.

The second battalion is smaller, comprising of three stands instead of four, just because it is the way the packets of plastic figures worked out.

Also completed are two spare light dragoon figures for use as couriers. One has been done in the Tarleton helmet for the Peninsular and one in shako for the War of 1812.

The reference in the title to “almost” is made because the command for the 60th Rifles is yet to arrive (and won’t be ordered until late this month). In addition to that I do need a few command figures and I am quite keen on the rather nice Peninsular artillery sets that the Perrys have made - I do have six of the Victrix guns, but they are all of the later solid trail guns that are more suitable for the War of 1812, later Peninsular and the Hundred Days. Then there are the new limber and caission sets…(sigh)…

…but for now the lead/plastic pile is flattened.


  1. Nice units, all my battalions are 18 figures, 3 bases of 6. Gives more room to move around on the table we feel.

    1. Thanks Tony. I prefer the 18 figure units, but most of the armies in our gaming group are organized into units of 24.

    2. I, for one, much prefer painting 28mm figures in units of 18 rather than 24!

    3. The economy of 18 figures over 24 allows for more units without making the units look ridiculously small.

  2. Nice line troops and lovely pair of horsemen!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. I just need to get them all on the table now.

  3. Another solid effort Mark - always good to get a project finished off - or almost...! My basing of course is different again - 6 bases of 3 figures (or 2 if its rifles) so 18 figures like Tony, but based differently....variety is the spice of life!

  4. Astounding productivity and outstanding brushwork, Mark!

    With the end in sight for this project, what is next?

    1. Thanks Jonathan. At present I have no big project in mind. I plan to go back and fill a few gaps in existing armies - limbers for the French and Russian armies, guns an limbers for the British and some more Prussian cavalry, but those are on hold until August simply because I have a lot on at the end of this month. To keep me out of mischief in the meantime I am refurbishing some ACW figures that were donated to our gaming group that are in dire need of some TLC.

  5. Great stuff Mark. And I see the Perry’s have just released a Peninsular War British command vignette which I know I won’t be able to resist, even though it would probably mean adding yet another Wellington to the lead pile.

    1. Yes I saw that release. I think I can resist this one. I think I will wait until the earlier French come out before I launch into anything big again. More Russians are know me and Russians!

  6. Lovely stuff Mark...
    Not everyone likes red faced uniforms... apparently they can be a bit dull...
    Clearly that’s wrong... ;-)... you also get the bonus of an interesting looking standard.

    I have now lost count of how many projects you have finished since I started my WSS collection...
    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. When I started these units I decided that I wanted to do all the units “title agnostic” so the object was to simply do one unit with each of the facing colour options, so I now have seven units: one each with blue, black, red, yellow, buff, green and pale yellow.

      I am out of ideas for projects at the moment. I am sure that situation will not last for long though.
