
Tuesday 2 July 2019

Half Yearly Review

As June staggered to its end I did a quick refresh of year to date painting progress. The first six monrths was busier than I anticipated with eight projects worked on (one yet to be started).

The breakdown of completed items is 745 foot figures, 42 mounted, 4 guns, 2 pieces of equipment and 90 scratch built items (ranging from various markers to the recent fortress model). A respectable total I think.

Using the painting points concept as a guide this works out as follows:

So what is next? Well things will slow down for a bit. The last of the British infantry are on the table now and their completion will mark the flattening of the lead/plastic pile. After that there will be very little for another month as our annual wargames holiday takes place then I have the kick-off of a major project at work that will distract me for a couple of weeks and will delay the arrival of the next order. That order, when it does come, is pretty much a gap filler, just completing items to fill holes in other projects. The Swedish Napoleonic project is suspended until the range expands a little more and I can rearrange the garage for better storage. I will do a little more work on the Revolutionary French, but the real plan for the rest of the year is to set up a gaming space and work on some terrain tiles.


  1. Amazing productivity, Mark! You paint more in six months than I can produce in twelve. Very well done!

    1. Not so sure, Jonathan, your own productivity is pretty impressive.

  2. Incredible output Mark and all so beautifully done.

    1. Thank you Norm. I loved your recent post regarding the wargaming past. Meant to comment, but events overtook me. We share a similar wargames heritage.

  3. Very respectable totals in the first six months Mark - but do you really need the pie chart - its far too reminiscent of all the BS at work!

    1. Ah but I am a visual person, so pie charts work for me in or out of work!

  4. Really impressive productivity to a great standard!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. Time to focus on games now I think.

  5. Very impressive. What range do you have earmarked for the Swedes? Perry Miniatures? If they did 1813 Swedes I know I wouldn’t be able to resist.

    1. I am quite keen on the Perry early Swedes, that fought the Russians in Finland. The problem is that they don’t do any artillery or command figures yet. The other complicating factor is that the only suitable Russians are by Brigade Games and they are too expensive with the current state of the Pacific Peso (although it has improved in the last week). All of this is even more greatly affected by the fact that the Lotto ticket that I had been depending on to fund my Swedish project proved to be defective.
