
Wednesday 15 May 2019


This week’s output on the painting table is a line infantry unit  from northern Spain, probably from Galicia, Leon or Castile, circa 1810.

They wear British made uniforms with bell-top shakos. This unit in all gray with black cross belts is a little dull, although some variety can be gained from their packs and the occasional figure with an umbrella tucked in the knapsack straps.

I will have a total of four bell-top shako battalions, some with blue coats, some with gray. Maybe I will mix up the trouser colours in a couple of the units.


  1. Very nice mark - always like the bell top shako - its tres chic, although as you will know, it caused trouble for the British Lt Dragoons when they changed to it as their infantry colleagues found it hard to distinguish them from the French at any kind of distance!

    1. Thanks Keith. These may even make it onto the next game table, which is Peninsular I think...are you able to make it? Of course British light cavalry should always be easy to identify as they ride off into the distance in search of plunder!

  2. A very nice unit Mark...
    Quite somber in the grey ... but the cockades add a nice bit of colour and stand out really well...
    These certainly look like very useful figures... they could fit into many periods.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. You are right, they are quite versatile and probably could be used as militia in the First Carlist War. I an two thirds of the way through a blue jacketed unit and they have a little more life, although white cross belts would make them pop...but they are what they are.

  3. Another fine addition, Mark! I like the grey with black webbing. Add in the shako and these fellows could pass as Austrian Landwehr to my eye.

    1. Thank you Jonathan. You are probably right, with their simple uniforms these figures would have a home in many Napoleonic armies.

  4. Nice (if sombre) unit! The little flashes of orange and red really help!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. The next unit it will be a little less sombre.

  5. Great wo k, and it is surprising how effect the grey works on these figures, allowing all the other details to really jump out.

    1. Yes I washed them quite a heavy wash of Aly's Brown Liquid and then highlighted to give some depth.
