
Wednesday 22 May 2019

More Spanish Infantry

With the chill of late autumn beginning to bite here in New Zealand we took a few days out of our busy work (and painting) schedule to slip up to Fiji for a few days to celebrate her indoors’ birthday.
After four days of 28 degree C temperatures, good food and drink and fabulous sunsets like the one below it was a bit of a shock to wake up to 10 degrees C on Monday and then face the sea of emails when I got to work.

So back to the painting schedule and on Monday night I finished the last figures of this second unit from Northern Spain. Again they wear British supplied uniforms.

The blue coat provides a little more colour to this unit than the grey one in the previous post.

Only another five battalions to go and the collection is complete.


  1. Another gorgeous unit, well done!

    1. Thank you Phil. There are a few more colourful units to come.

  2. Beautiful sunset and beautiful figures!

    1. Thank you Jonathan. As I sit at my desk at 0750, it is cold, dark and raining outside and I wish I could turn the clock back five days and be sitting in that sun by the pool with a good book.

  3. Another nice Spanish unit Mark....I know what you mean about emails - I took clients out fishing off Coromandel peninsula yesterday. Nothing wrong with that and in two hours we had our quota of snapper - 11 people = 77 snapper. A beautiful calm autumn day, the sea was like a mill pond...then back to bullshit castle this morning around 730am - 150+ unread emails - head down arse up all day and when I left at about 445pm - still had over 100 unread - what a ridiculous work world we inhabit!

  4. Nice sunset and great looking figures! We're just moving into late spring/early summer, not too hot, practically perfect!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. It was a chilly 5 degrees C when I left home this morning which doesn't seem too cold until you consider that at 36 degrees south we are about the same latitude as Malta. Still, it is haping up to be a sunny day and a good weekend.

  5. Another lovely looking unit...
    And a cracking sunset...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly.... More exciting than tonight's sunset...grey, darker grey, dark grey, black.
