
Sunday 27 January 2019

Left Overs

It has been exceptionally busy at work this week with overseas visitors taking up a fair chunk of my evenings. Production has suffered as a result.

This week's output has been limited to a single battalion of French line infantry made up from left over figures from the French 1812-13 project.

The only thing that differentiates this battalion from the others that I have is that completed is that I have done head swaps on all but two of the 24 figures, utilising some of the many heads in pokalem or bonnet de police that were left over. The result is a rather motley bunch made more so by giving them a mix of trouser colours.

Meanwhile on the painting table is a test unit for a new project that should be ready for presentation on Monday or Tuesday


  1. Nice looking un it Mark - as always, your beautiful basing technique really enhances the effect!

    1. Thanks Keith. Hope you are enjoying the long weekend.

  2. Beautifully done and presented.

  3. Lovley diversity of the coats, they look great and realistic!

    1. Thank you Phil. That variance of coats was the very effect I wanted.

  4. Lovely mixed looking unit, easy for you to say a drop in production is only one battalion of Napoleonic French!
    Best Iain

    1. The real issue for production now is that I have levelled the lead/plastic pile and my self-imposed austerity plan defines that there are no significant purchases until the end of February.

  5. A raggedy bunch but one of my favourites so far! That's saying something from someone who loves full dress!

    1. Thanks Mark. The next unit, ready to be based today, is also a ragged bunch.

  6. The variety of dress adds to the sense of hardened campaigners. Nice composition.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. I now wish I had done some of the other units in this way.

  7. Lovely work, and I always think it is a pleasant surprise when you have enough leftovers for a “bonus” battalion. Seems a bit early in the year for work visitors. Unless they are from the northern hemisphere where they don’t seem to understand that we only really get going again in late January.

    1. Although the unit was a bonus it came about through a purchasing error. The visitor were from a UK software house - training we had postponed four times and we couldn't wait any longer. What is odd this year is that things have not slowed down - walking back into the office after sixteen days off was walking back into the same malestrom of the day we finished. It was just like someone threw a switch and everything just stopped, then the switch was turned on and things continued at the same frenetic pace. Still it is a holiday today and there is another one next week and that can't be bad.

  8. Splendid Mark...
    You can smell them from here... ;-)

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly...and the reek will only get worse here as we head into a heatwave!

  9. Exceptional work as always 👍
