
Wednesday 16 January 2019

Carlist War Expansion Concludes

With these two units the Carlist War expansion is completed.

The first unit is a Valencian outfit.

The second is a Castillian unit, the 4th battalion, the Grabaderos del Ejército. Below the battalion officer is unimpressed as the new recruits enter the local uniform store...

...but watches them with pride as they march out so smartly outfitted...

...and onto the drillground.

Then in a brief parade, the whole expansion - the cavalry followed by the infantry - march in review under the admiring eyes of Don Carlos, Cabrera and Zumalacarregui, while the artillery fires a final salute.

The parade finished these new units have been marched to their new barracks where they will await thier first action.


  1. Oh dear Mark - I think things are starting to get a little out of control when you take picture of unpainted metal marching into a QM store...!

    1. Mate if you knew my day yesterday (or the last week for that matter) it would make perfect sense!

  2. Superb, wonderful colors and great paint job...Valencian guys, we salute you!

    1. Thank you Phil. That slightly lighter shade of blue for the Valencians is rather nice.

  3. Beautiful collection! Is this the “first” expansion? Your photo of the “raw” recruits made me smile. Great stuff!

    1. Yes this is the first and only expansion...let me qualify that the only expansion for the Carlists...I am not ruling out expansions to other collections. Yes the raw recruits was a bit of fun to offset the stress of the week from Hell I have had...something that reminds me that retirement is only 1616 days away!

  4. Really good looking units, clever exposition. Should be a lot of fun on the tabletop.

    1. Thanks. We have played half a dozen games in this period and because the armies are largely raw the games are always close and unpredictable.

  5. I wish you could just march them into a uniform store and out again. Ver nicely done, and also early in the year to be using the “completed” word (even if it is simply an expansion).

    1. Yes if only it was that simple! I have a number of small projects that will be completed in the month or two.

  6. Lovely looking unit of Carlists! Great looking force in total too,finished?!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain. Yes this lot is truly finished, otherwise I will have every unit that ever existed in the war!...hmmm me thinks, and the harm in that is? No it is finished!

  7. A splendid looking collection Mark...
    Oh how I wish that there was a magic painting box/building... put them in press the button take them out... and play...
    Although with your speed your fairly close to that anyway.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Wouldn't that be great? I think I need to dream up a scenario where all the Carlist troops get onto the table. It would be a fabulously large game.
