Monday, 28 January 2019
New Project for the New Year
Sunday, 27 January 2019
Left Overs
Meanwhile on the painting table is a test unit for a new project that should be ready for presentation on Monday or Tuesday
Wednesday, 16 January 2019
Carlist War Expansion Concludes
Saturday, 12 January 2019
More Carlist Infantry
Wednesday, 9 January 2019
Project Planning
As we bask in the heat of our summer evenings and with an abundance of BBQs, beer and wine thoughts are turning to projects for 2019.
Still on the plan are existing projects like the fortress guns, the Carlist War expansion, phase two of the Spanish Napoleonics and the remaining 18 figures of the Crimean heavy brigade. Those projects (supply permitting) should be completed by the middle of March.
I do have firm plans for the addition of some early British for the Peninsular, something to augment the British in Egypt with stovepipe, maybe half a dozen units with the possibility of two of those superb Perry flatboats for coastal operations.
But beyond that I am at a bit of a loss for figure painting projects. What I am determined to do is that wherever possible I want ranges to overlap with existing ranges.
I have been seriously attracted to three or four POSSIBLE projects:
First is the French Revolutionary campaigns – I have been inspired here after following games on Colin Ashton’s “Carryings on up the Dale” blog. This would add forces for France, Austria and Russia, but would overlap with the British in Egypt that could be used in Holland with the Russians against the French. The French could also be used in the early phases of the Egyptian campaign, against the Turks, before the Kléber uniform was introduced. The Russians may also be able to be used against the Turks, although the Turks would need to have a few more Jannisaries and artillery added.
Second is the campaigns in Scandinavia during the Napoleonic era that would involve the Swedes, Danes, Norwegians and Russians. Overlaps here could be Danes vs British; the Russians would have to be a new force since the uniforms in 1807-8 were significantly different to 1812-13, but they could be used against the Turks.
Another area of interest is the Seven Years War (again I have taken some inspiration from Colin). My interest here would be on the eastern campaigns Prussia vs Russia and Austria rather than the conflict in the west involving Britain and France. The only logical overlap here would be the Russians against the Turks again.
The Great Northern War also interests me. While there is some overlap with Prussian, Saxon and Danish units fighting in both the GNW and WSS that linkage is rather tenuous.
One project I really do want to settle on this year is sorting out a gaming area at home. At present all my games are played away from home, but the plan is to be able to set up in the garage. This will have a three phase approach.
First will be a table and it will be in the form of a fold up table tennis table.
Second will be to rework the storage facilities in the garage by building some purpose built cupboards that will allow for a figure expansion!
Third will be terrain boards that will store within the reworked storage facilities
The first phase is simple and will probably happen in February, but the second and third phases require the removal of a number of items from their existing location and then the storage being constructed. The storage may not happen until June and then the terrain boards can be constructed.
It is all food for thought on these sunny evenings.
Monday, 7 January 2019
Napoleonic Fortress Guns, part two
Saturday, 5 January 2019
First Units for the Year
Wednesday, 2 January 2019
End of Year Round-up
Every year when I review the year's hobby production and forecast the coming year’s schedule I always think, "this year won’t be as big as the last."
Well 2018 would have been less than 2017 if I hadn’t decided to expand the French in Egypt by half, doubled the Ottoman force, increased the War of 1812 armies, added the Spanish Napoleonic army to the equation and decided on a reasonably sized expansion to the Carlist armies.
The end result is that what I expected to be quiet-ish year has been my busiest year for many years. What is different about this year is that the size of the result is not skewed by the usual high proportion of scratch built items since those have only accounted for only 11% of the 2018 total. The bulk of the result has come from painted figures.
The 2018 year total landed on 13,060 painting points based the formula of 5 points for a foot figure, 10 points for a cavalry figure or piece of equipment and 10 points for every hour of scratch building. That is 2,330 points above the 2017 total of 10,730. All up 1,486 foot figures, 372 mounted figures, 34 guns, 19 pieces of equipment and 34 scratch built items were completed.
I worked on nine projects during the course of the year, five of which were completed in their entirety, three still have items to complete and one (the scratch built items) is a constant work in progress. I also suspended the Swedish Napoleonic project and introduced the Carlist War expansion in its place.
The Completed Projects:
The Egyptian Campaign of 1801 had three sub-groups:
• French in Egypt expansion which counted 208 foot figures, 27 mounted figures, 6 guns and 1 limber
• British in Egypt which counted 390 foot figures, 33 mounted figures, 6 guns and 6 limbers
• Ottoman Turks in Egypt which counted 74 foot figures and 48 mounted figures
The French 1812-13 project was the biggest project by far this year and counted 507 foot figures, 206 mounted figures and 13 guns.
The War of 1812 Project (originally targeted as an American force only, but which has also absorbed some British artillery and cavalry, plus a stack of Woodlands indians) was completed with 70 foot figures, 6 mounted figures and five guns.
The Ongoing Projects:
The Crimean War British Heavy Brigade has been started, but issues with supply persist so only 12 mounted figures were completed, while 18 are outstanding.
The Spanish Napoleonic army is well under way with phase one, the 1805-1808 portion, complete with 170 foot figures, 18 mounted and two guns painted. The 1809-1810 portion that will make up phase two will start in February.
The Carlist War expansion has started but only 61 foot figures, 22 mounted and 2 guns are finished. The remaining 72 foot figures will be finished in 2019.
Constant Work in Progress
The never-ending scratch building section has seen 34 pieces completed including the Egyptian Village, the War of 1812 Blockhouse, the Maori village, some Indian lodges, the basing of a bunch of palm trees, the two of six Napoleonic fortress guns and included the completion of two 54mm figures.
So to the statistics:
The Current Year
So what does 2019 hold? Well it DEFINITELY will not be as high a count as the year just gone. The plan is:
• Finish the projects in hand – Carlist expansion, Spanish Napoleonic, Crimean War Heavy Brigade
• Work on a Swedish Napoleonic force
• A small number of British units for use in the early Peninsular war and Napoleonic coastal operations.
The rest of the year is to be given over to another project, that I shall discuss later, and playing games.
Speaking of games played, the count was 23, one down on target and was broken down as follows:
• 6 Napoleonic (3 in western Europe, 2 in Egypt and 1 in the Russian winter)
• 4 American Civil War
• 3 WWI (2 Europe 1914 and 1 East Africa)
• 2 Medieval
• 1 each, Russo-Japanese, War of Spanish Succession, Carlist War, French and Indian, Austro-Prussian, WWII, American War of Independence, English Civil War
This year’s goal is to get above 24 games.
New Year greetings are delayed this year because we headed off shore to Fiji to see out the year. Four days were spent in and around the pool where the two biggest decisions of the day were whether to have the pork belly bites or the burger for lunch and whether to wash it all down with a Heiniken or a Fiji decision in most cases was the former food type and the latter can be seen in part below (some veteran readers of this blog might think that they have seen a similar image last year and they would be right, but that image was taken on Christmas Day 2017 and this one was taken on Monday, just gone...and the glass in this instance has a little less amber liquid contained within).
Despite the threat of rain on a couple of days New Year's Eve was hot (32 deg C) and sunny and a big evening was planned. We had an early dinner with a seven course degustation menu at the resort's signature restaurant then returned to the pool where the night's fesitivities were to be held to find that four evil flamingoes had landed in the pool - one of which can be seen casting its evil beady eye on our position by the pool.