
Sunday 13 March 2016

Crimean Russian Infantry - the Vladimir Regiment Work in Progress

This week has seen work commence on the next Crimean War infantry Regiment, tha Vladimir Regiment.

The regiment is now exactly half complete. The target is to have the other half completed by next weekend.

We played an AWI game today. Four of us had a lot of fun in a marathon seven hour game.
Here are a few quick snaps.


  1. Impressive AWI's pictures, love the assault! And your Vladimir Regiment is going to be wonderful, great paintjob!

  2. Thank you Phil. I am getting tired of painting Russians though! I think I will do some British next, for some variety.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Rodger, it was a hard fought action that kept us out of mischief for a few hours.

  4. Seven hours! Did the rebellious scum get the thrashing they deserved?

    1. Hang on...Rebel scum...I was one of the American patriots driving back the British oppressor!

  5. Terrific looking AWI battle, Mark! Just noticed your March painting totals. You on on fire!

    1. Thanks Jonathan, it was a good game - the enjoyment was enhanced by a victory for my team! Yes the mainting is going at breakneck speed. I have a tight deadline to get the Crimean War armies finished. I must admit though that I am getting tir of Russian greatcoats - they may be quick to paint, but tedious. I am looking forward to the April orde that will be British, including the first half of the Light Brigade.
