
Saturday 5 March 2016

Crimean Russian Infantry - the Odessa Regiment

The last of the Odessa Regiment, the second of my Russian Crimean War infantry marched off the painting table today.

Here are a couple of quick shots. If I get any time tomorrow I will set up a proper session and take some better shots of the entire Russian force.

All of the Crimean infantry have been based six figure to a stand. The Allied troops have been based in two ranks on stands with a 50mm frontage and a depth of 35mm to represent the standard two deep line, while the Russians, to represent their preference for deeper columnular formations, have been mounted three deep on a base that has a 35mm frontage and 50mm depth.


  1. Outstanding work! Makes me want to dip into my pile of Russians and work on another battalion for myself. Tell us about the flags. The yellow and red is quite striking.

    1. I have struggled to find much information on the flags, so I have made the rather broad assumption that the Russian Army in the 1850s followed the Napoleonic pattern. I grabbed these off the web, but can't for the life of me remember where from and to make matters worse the hard drive they were stored on has failed! I am not sure of the first battalion should have rhe white standard as they did in the Napoleonic wars.

    2. I had the same problem with Russian infantry colours Mark.I'm sure someone somewhere knows the truth, but I couldn't find it by trawling the internet so just went to Napflags and used the Napoleonic versions.
      Are you on track for the Crimea at Tarawera?

    3. It will be tight for Tarawera - I still have more than 500 figures to be completed by the end of September. One of the other guys is doing some Russians so it is do-able. Pretty much all of the terrain is done. In truth managing the budget will be a bigger concern than any painting schedule.

  2. Great job on figures and bases, and splendid flags...Spectacular!

    1. Thank you Phil. Yet more Russian coming soon.

  3. Very impressive, I think the mixed shades of the greatcoats makes a real difference.

  4. Very nice brushwork, the basing finishes them off nicely!

    1. And fhe next regiment is about one-third complete now.
