
Sunday 12 January 2014

WWI Project Continues

I am waiting until the end of the month to buy any more figures. In part this is because I need to clear some of the Christmas debt on the credit card and in part because I want to get further ahead with the buildings that I mentioned in earlier posts.

While I have made great headway with the buildings I still have a way to go. Eight of the village street buildings are finished (although only three are painted) with three in progress, and will probably be finished this week. I have also completed four ruins. I have several other cardboard forms either ready for texturing, or in the sketch stage, one of which is the village church and another is the local garage. I hope to be able to post some images of these in a week or two.

In the meantime I have received a small packet of jäger cyclists from Dixon which have been assembled and will be painted after the current batch of buildings are finished.

I have also done a bit of scratch building. I found this picture of a French 75 in action:

I suddenly had the urge to make the ammunition wagon to go with the two 75mm guns that I bought in December. I dug around on the web and soon found more images, but more importantly, some plans and broke out the plasticard and glue and got to work.

The plans I had didn't have a scale, but I was able to work out a size based on the wheel size and then scaling that to the size of the wheels that I had on hand. In no time at all I had the base shape built and within a few hours the basic model was completed. The next day I added some of the details with Green Stuff and the result was this:


After adding a few more details the model was finished. I was so pleased with the first one that I made a second wagon for the second gun, this one slightly different - with one of the doors closed. With the two of them finished, they were painted and then based as below:

This attempt at scratch building has pleased me so much that I have started on a horse drawn version of the machine gun carriage for the French and German cavalry.

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