
Friday 17 January 2014

A Bit More Scratch Building

Following my success with the scratch building of the French ammunition wagons, I decided to expand my scratch building experiments to a German machine gun carriage and limber. After some searching on the web and with some assistance from a post on the Miniatures Page I gathered enough information to start.

I built the packed MG08 first from plastic card and green stuff. It was remarkably easy and I had most of it finished in one evening. Next was the MG carriage, which was a little more fiddly and took a couple of days to put together. Finally I made the limber, which was a relatively simple construction.

Once the basic models were made I put some stowage on the MG carriage and the leather satchel on the back of the limber with some green stuff. I have started work on the horse teams, but they will take a few more days.

The finished, but unpainted, models are shown here:

And then the painted model:


The MG carriage

The limber

Next will be a French MG carriage, although there is not as much detailed information on this, and then two more German limbers for the two field guns I have.

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