
Tuesday 2 July 2024

The Year to Date in Review.

This is one of the quietest six month periods in years for painting in year to date terms.

Six projects were projected for the year, two of which (the FPW Prussian command and French command and heavy cavalry) are not started because the figures have not been released. 

A mere 248 figures, a few guns and pieces of equipment, plus a number of scratch built terrain items have been completed. Compare that to last year I have completed 645 figures, plus guns and equipment.
All this is, of course, part of a deliberate slow down that saw a four month hiatus from painting. I must say it is rather nice to be doing a bit of painting in the evening especially in winter when I am not going out too much and there is nothing of real interest on the TV.

One more small category will be added in the next six month period that will finish off one existing collection and a new batch of terrain tiles are in the wings, but that is all that is expected for the year.

Statistically here are the outcomes:

The number of games played is also well down due to illness and holidays. I have managed only seven games - one each American Civil War, WWII, 1920's, War of Spanish Succession, American Revolution, Napoleonic and Imjin War.


  1. Still, damn impressive output, Mark.

    1. Ah it's a trifling number! I could do so much better! But I have no where to store them!

    2. I have extra storage space…

    3. Thanks for the offer, but it's a long way to go to drop them off and pick them up!

  2. It's certainly a low count by your standards. Mark! I was counting my own games last night and it's only 13 so far, I think, and that includes several solo home efforts....not very impressive for six months....I blame Julian and his four month absence in Europe.....sooooo inconsiderate!

    1. Yes I missed two games with holidays and one when I was unwell.

  3. A great effort Mark and all of the highest quality. Mornings are still the best time to paint for me as I find I'm normally too tired in the evenings.

    1. I am the opposite. I prefer the evenings. I can paint with the TV on and remain sociable with her indoors. Plus is start work at 6:00 so moving time is restricted and it helps helps me wind down after the stresses of the work day.

  4. By my standards that is very impressive output Mark! This year started OK and then real life has put pay to any gaming related stuff, excluding my new games room, for several months now. I don't see any improvement until August but more realistically September...

    1. The reduction of painting is a conscious effort, but, like you, real life is the root cause of the downturn in gaming. I still have a number of interesting gaming projects coming up that will be documented in due course.

  5. impressive numbers all the same. I can't imagine painting so much. I think my hands would fall off. 😁

    1. I don't know, you managed to pump put quite a few of those ultra large MDF miniatures Stew!
