
Tuesday 18 June 2024

Ottoman Atillery

The lead pile has been restored, although it's more of a pimple than a mountain. I have been sticking to my plan to restrict any figure purchases to those required to complete existing projects and to restrain the inner magpie from swooping down on every new shiny thing it sees. Indeed this purchase is first order I have placed since September last year, which I think is quite remarkable restraint.

As the post title suggests the purchase included the artillery needed to complete the Napoleonic Ottomans that fought in the French in Egypt. This artillery component consists of three heavy guns, or Kolunburna, two medium 8.5 pound and one light 4.25 pound field guns.

Presented here is the first of the Kolunburna sets. These were 18th century brass pieces that fired stone or cast iron projectiles with  shot weight varying anywhere between 10 and 27 kilograms, although this field version was a lighter gun equivalent to a  European 19.5 pound piece. There were predominantly position pieces and I have mounted them as such.

It's great to be working with bright colours again.


  1. When I saw these appear on the Perry website and then when Keith said he had placed a joint order with you I wondered if these were the subject. Terrific work Mark. Ottoman guns always look impressive. The gabions look great as well.

    1. Yes indeed they were a part of that combined order...and a very useful way to order too. They are great pieces and the crew have that great Alan Perry animation. I am looking forward to getting them on the table.

  2. Have to concur with Lawrence and Ray - they look great and I do like the gabions - I must get a few some time.....

    1. They are just the Renedra gabions, quite cost effective. I've used several sets over the years.

  3. admirable self-restraint on purchasing. Mine has been rampant.
    great job on the artillery, very bright. 😁

    1. Thanks Stew. I have noted your collection growing a great rate...I think you are going to need a parade soon!

  4. They look great Mark and lovely to see such colourful crew too:)!

    1. Thanks Steve. These are great sets to work with.

  5. Superb artillery, wonderful job on the clothes and turbans Mark!

    1. Thanks Phil...I have really enjoyed working on these.
