
Sunday 10 March 2024

Bits and Pieces

In an effort to keep busy in the evening I have been finishing off a few bits that have been laying around for a while.

First up is a bunch of FPW French infantry that are destined to be used as skirmish stands. They were painted some time in November and were just waiting for me to get around to making their bases, which I did last weekend. So here they stands to add to the eight I already had.

Next are two groups of trees, the first of which goes back much further - a few years in fact. I remember seeing a Wargames Illustrated photo (or maybe on a blog somewhere) of a strip with four trees and I liked the look of it. So I made the wire armatures, applied the toilet paper and PVA mix, painted them brown...and there they stayed, gathering dust...until now where they have been painted, based and had foliage added. 

Having made the stand of four and was so pleased that I made another strip of three.

This encouraged me to make one more piece, this time a bigger, right angled piece. I also made some trees with darker foliage.

This piece can be used to dress up a road junction (as below) the surrounds of a village or farm, or the edge of a field.

I can see me making some more pieces like this in the future.


  1. Nicely done on the skirmish bases and the trees look superb

    1. Thanks Neil. I am really pleased how the trees came out and they are really robust too.

  2. Those trees look amazing. I was looking online for a dozen or so autumnal trees and finally found some handmade ones in the UK I liked then looked at the price, and they were just over $AUD60 each. These are every bit as good if not better.

    1. Yes well mine are substantially cheaper - total materials cost was less than $1.00 although there is a fair bit of labour involved...maybe it's a good retirement job!

    2. There might even be a few government grants in it, if you say that you are propagating trees.

    3. True. I might also get some sort of sustainability grant too if I made my own flock from waste foam, wire and tissue paper! Must investigate!

  3. Great work basing the skirmishers and love the trees, which look really good:)!

  4. Great looking skirmish bases and trees Mark. As to retirement jobs, I respectfully suggest you stick with the 3d printer plan.....!!

    1. There is a significant capital investment in the 3D printer though...

  5. tree bases came out looking tree-riffic!
    can never have enough trees. 😁

    1. Agreed, you can never have enough trees...especially if you want to fight the Battles of Shiloh, Chancellorsville, Chickamauga or the Wilderness...or many other ACW battles for that matter...but I will probably stop at 40 trees.

  6. The trees look the business Mark…
    Just what your skirmishers need to hide behind…

    All the best. Aly
