
Thursday 29 February 2024

What to do Now?

I know that many gamers live by the rule that the number of unpainted figures must always outnumber the number of figures you paint, regardless of the number you paint, but I have never been one for maintaining a large lead pile. Maybe it is my experience early in my working life as a buyer for a large wholesale organisation where my boss drilled into me..."stock turns, son, keep the stock turns high, that's the key to a successful business." Maybe it's the 'just in time' protocols of my current workplace. Maybe it's that frugality that comes from my Scottish grandmother. At various times in the past it was because of economic circumstances. 

Whatever the reason throughout the 54 years of my wargaming life I have always ordered just what I knew I could paint within a reasonable time period. In recent years I have turned this into quite a science with orders being timed to take maximum advantage of the credit period of my Visa card and to arrange for them to arrive just before the last item of the previous order left the painting table. It also allowed me to plan more carefully and take advantage of  the post free options that provided me with a 20-25% saving on base cost that would have pleased my grandmother no end. Of course all those plans fell apart during the pandemic when postal services fell behind and there were a few occasions of a completely flattened lead pile which compelled me to allow a greater buffer for a while.

The key to my success has been my project planning. Now this doesn't involve full blown planning with gantt charts, but it does involve a spreadsheet that extended out some three of four months detailing what and when was being purchased and and determined how long a purchase would take to paint at the rate of six foot, three mounted figures or one gun set per day. In fairness I always this obsessive, but when I was building my Crimean War armies (which were required for a specific game on a specific date) I needed to ensure that I figures arrived in a way that I could get them all painted in time while not stretching the finances and incurring the wrath of the Domestic Controller.

Now I find myself in an odd situation. For the first time since 2016, when I started managing a project plan, my schedule looks like this:

As you can see after 20 February there are no figures on hand, no purchases and no new projects on the books.

There are a few items outstanding in existing projects, namely:
  • Franco-PrussianWar
    • Prussian Generals
    • French Generals
    • French Dragoons
    • French Cuirassiers
  • Napoleonic Swedish
    • Generals
  • Napoleonic Ottoman 
    • Commanders
    • Artillery
These items are not yet released and no date for the release has even been hinted.

I am serious about living up to my resolution to cut purchases, but with nothing on the horizon, what to do? How will I fill my evenings?

I do have a few hobby related projects to work on. The main one is to complete the work on my games table, but due to constraints on health that can't be done probably until April and it is certainly not an evening task.

The table creates more opportunity for terrain work because by expanding it by one tile on each axis creates an issue with the quantity of terrain tiles because it means that to cover the whole table I will need 60 tiles whereas my current table only requires 45. The issue is that my current count of tiles is 70 and twenty of those are rivers or streams, so unless I want a river or stream on every table I need to add more tiles - 20 of them, twelve or fourteen of them to be just plain and the remainder plain with a road section, but again those are not an easy evening task. 

I do have a few rebasing and small terrain projects to undertake which will keep me busy in the evening for a while - although it is unlikely that they will keep me busy until those outstanding items get released.


  1. No figures to paint? I hope your life insurance is current...

    1. Yes it is a strange situation for me. I have had the lead pile flattened, but there has always been something to paint. Thankfully some little terrain projects and some rebasing have me busy in the evenings for now.

  2. Mark, would you like a new project. English Civil War, 28mm? I have some if you would like them.

    1. I have all the ECW I want already!

    2. “Anon” likely meant that he will send his unpainted figures, you paint them, and then send them back.

    3. And once I retire I would be happy to oblige...for a price.

    4. No nothing like that just was going to give them to you as I am not going to get a chance to build the armies

    5. Appreciate the offer but we have very large ECW collections in our group so I'm not looking to expand in that direction.

  3. You have reached the point that I want to get to and I have set about getting there!

    1. My plan is to play more games rather than collect more metal and plastic, but work pressures at the moment are limiting game time to weekends only at the moment, although that will change later in the year.

  4. I would imagine there is a certain peace of mind that comes with looking at an empty schedule, while knowing how many collections have been completed. There are times when I am searching for something in my pile and feel a rising sense of anxiety over what will now actually get completed.

    1. Having been very active with painting for the last few years there is a bit of anxiety about how to fill the evenings. I mean, I generally sit with the TV or Netflix on while I paint, but to simply sit and watch will be challenging.

  5. things to do in the evening:
    -paint miniatures for your best friends and favorite bloggers
    -commission painting for the rest of the world
    -sell off some seldom used collection and use the money to buy another one
    -talk to the wife
    -write a book of wargaming scenarios
    -solo gaming
    -video games

    i'll admit they're not all great ideas but gotta start somewhere. 😁

  6. 40mm Perrys Peninsular War “Skirmish “ 😱… just saying 😁

    All the best. 😈

    1. Hmmm...but in means buying more figures and more terrain...

    2. I know you might find it horrifying…. You only need a couple of dozen figures to have a good game 😱
      I haven’t really made any bigger buildings… I will do when I have time… but everything else fits in quite well .

    3. That is a foreign thought...a couple of dozen FIGURES...surely you meant BATTALIONS!? In truth I have been looking at these....

  7. With plenty of collections at your disposal, moving towards more games is the sensible option and one that can easily be fitted in in an evening, with smallish forces involved. So either large skirmish or small battle, depending upon you rpoint of view. I find them a great way of generating a narrative for larger games.

    1. I have plans for more games in retirement. I hope that I will be in a condition to work on the table in another month.

  8. I think you are a rare example among wargamers Mark - but probably in a very good position to be honest - you have quite a few large collections, often of both sides, the room to have a decent sized table, the skill and talent to make your own excellent terrain - and hopefully in a few months' time, a long and healthy retirement when you can potter around with solo campaigns and games in a variety of eras, to your hearts content - look forward to it, I would be!

    1. Yes you are right I have both sides in most eras that I am interested in and once I get back to health again I will get that table set up properly. And yes in 209 days I will be able to game away to heart's content...provided the Domestic Controller doesn't find too many chores for me!
