
Friday 16 February 2024


So the Mamelukes are finished...five new units added to the four I already had, making a total of nine.

I had intended to make this unit a much more subdued mix of hues and in truth it's not quite a bright and bold as the previous unit. In fact the first figure I worked on was the leader who was given a black cape, black turban and I intended to give him black pants on a black horse - a sort of Mameluke Johnny Cash...the man in black. In fact I toyed with the idea of a Johnny Cash unit - the whole unit in black. But I relented and gave the leader red pants and a yellow it was back to the least there is a greater proportion of chaps in white shirts that tones them down a bit.

The would be Mameluke Johnny Cash

I do intend have a parade, but am a bit short on time this week, so I have to hold off for a few days.


  1. It's always nice to be able to use the word 'done', 'completed' or 'finished'. These are going to look great assembled on parade.

    1. I am always wary of using those terms because of future 'enhancements', but in this instance they will be the last of the combat troops...there may be some generals and artillery when they are released. I will try to get a parade set up over the weekend, but it is quite an effort to get them all out of then back into their boxes.

  2. I am not do sure that these horsemen are toned down much. They still will ‘pop’ on the table.

  3. Splendid stuff Mark…
    ‘Done’ , ‘Finished’ , ‘Completed’… yup!… I’ve heard that before 🤣😂🤣.

    Looking forward to the parade.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Yeah I know... but my work plan going forward is blank...I have completed every army that I want to collect so my buying days may well be over, apart from a few things needed to complete existing armies (like the FPW generals) that haven't been released yet.

  4. If you had stuck to the original plan, Mark, he would have been a "Johnny Turk" Cash! They could have been all in black, like a "Black Guard" of earlier times (or, more recently, ISIS fighters in Syria and Iraq!) I think black is a recognised colour for "elite" units in Muslim armies?

    1. I can't help thinking that wearing black in the deserts of Egypt would have been awfully uncomfortable.

  5. 9 units of these is going to be a bright parade! 😀

    1. The parade is done now, I just need to prepare the post... maybe sometime tomorrow.

  6. Another cracking unit and I'm certainly looking forward to a parade (or Durbar?) as and when time permits:).

    1. Thanks Steve...all going well they should appear tomorrow.

  7. Great looking figures, congrats on your project 'completion. ' I for one would love to see the battle debut of all these units. The table will certainly sparkle.

    1. I know that completion is a flexible term in our hobby, but this is pretty close to final.
