
Wednesday 27 December 2023

A Few Days in the Tropics

While it is now official summer in New Zealand, Christmas weather has been far from summery. Sure it has been warm, with parts of the country recording 30 + degree (C) temperatures, but the build up to Christmas has been wet. We had heavy rain on Christmas Eve and drizzle on the main day. 

Thankfully I agreed to the Domestic Controller's request to go to Fiji for a few days - our first time in Fiji since 2019. So we flew out mid-morning on Tuesday and by 1:00 PM we were in the pool under clear blue skies in 33 C temperatures. 

It is just a few days by a pool swimming, kayaking (in the ocean not the pool), catching up on some of the reading backlog and eating and drinking way too much.

Clearly we weren’t the only ones that needed a post-Christmas rest…

I always wondered where he went for a bit R & R after the event. And obviously he has worked the reindeer to the bone…I caught this group grazing under the palm trees.

It’s a tough sacrifice to be sure, but I’ll be back to the painting desk and the terrain workbench soon enough.


  1. Replies
    1. Sure is...just two and a half hours flying hours north of us and in the same time zone.

  2. Is it really 2019 since you were last there? If I had to guess I would have thought 2021. Thirty-three degree heat would be quite appealing at the moment, as we are apparently destined for 37 by the end of the week. All the family vacated on Christmas Day up to a place we have at Noosa. Not really my thing this time of year as I find it overcrowded, and luckily the dog appeared to feel the same way as he couldn't settle. I bravely volunteered to bring him back to Brisbane so now have a grateful wife, a happy dog, an empty house and eight uninterrupted days at the painting desk and listening to the cricket on the radio.

    1. Yes 2019 was our year of Fiji...we were there for New Year 2018-19, May 2019, September 2019 and New Year 2919-20. We were still facing all kinds of lockdown in 2021...borders reopened July 2022.

      Ah Noosa...must get back there...I have another wargames acquaintance living there that I must catch up with. One of the best Oz holidays I ever had was on the Sunshine Coast, when we were newly weds and had very little money.

      I always prefer cricket in the telly...that way I can always watch the critical bits on the replay.

  3. Nice interlude. Sure way to recharge, as long as you actually get back at it.

    1. It's all too nice. The Fijian people have to be the nicest and most genuine on the globe...but sadly there is a return date and we will be back sooner that we would like.

  4. Rather jealous to say the least as it is currently gale force winds and rain here as we have yet another named storm system crossing the UK! Glad that you are able to get away for a few days though and enjoy the stunning weather and location:).

    1. We have woken to yet another day in skies, gentle breeze, 28 degrees at 7:00AM...but we are back home tomorrow.

  5. The aficionados turn off the TV volume and listen to the radio cricket commentary. Unusually in the UK, we are being relayed the ABC commentary for the Tests and BBL.

    We have 33 degrees here but it is Fahrenheit.

    1. struggles to get below 25C at night!

  6. Don't be too concerned about returning to Auckland Mark, things have picked up here weather wise and our Temps have been mid to high twenties with plenty of sun...Hawkes Bay was 33 the last couple of days!


    1. I don't want it too hot and dry at home though. I have tomatoes and beans growing and don't want them too dried out! It's scorching hot here today...went for a quick dip in the sea and it was like getting into a warm bath.

  7. Very nice Mark…

    It’s just like that here in Nottingham…
    Well… if you put your pictures through a grey scale filter and then put them in a bucket of water 🤣😂🤣

    All the best. Aly

    1. Yes Fiji was a pleasant break from our variable summer weather, although I could have done without the dodgy pizza on the last day...

  8. Fiji looks nice, which hotel?
    Mark Conroy

    1. G'day Mark. It was the Sofitel in Denerau, taking the club option (that has a separate pool and no one under 16 years).
