
Wednesday 11 October 2023

Nizam-i-cedid Anatolian nefer infantry

This post shows the third unit in the Ottoman expansion. It is a unit of Nizam-i-cedid Anatolian nefer infantry. I like these guys and their uniform even though a less kind observer made comments about them wearing half a watermelon on their heads.

I intend to do another five or six units of Ottoman infantry, maybe an Albanian regular unit, another Jannisary unit and then some Egyptian fellahin. But these will need to wait until after the next batch of red trousered Frenchmen (another 18 battalions of which arrived yesterday) are completed.

Finally, I drew these flags that are available here for free to anyone who has a need for them. They are vector drawings rendered to a high resolution .png output so should print cleanly at 100% scaling for 28mm. For 15mm a print scaling of 66% should be adequate....and no I have no idea what the Arabic text reads...I just used a few random glyphs from the font set.


  1. These Ottomans look great! Nice replenishment package too!

    1. Thanks Jonathan. The addition of 400+ new figures is always a pleasure to receive!

  2. Very nice indeed Mark…
    18 more battalions… 😱
    Have you re supplied the red paint as well?😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. Yes I think I need to swing by the GW store on the way home tomorrow to top up on Evil Sunz Scarlet...I hope they gave six pots in stock!

      In fact there are 19 battalions...there is a unit of chasseurs there who wear blue, of course. I just plugged them into my planner and these should all be done before Christmas, so sometime in the New Year I might get them in a table.

  3. Nice to see Ottomans in this era. My you are really awash in French Line!

    1. I agree the Ottomans are a lot of fun. And yes awash in a veritable sea of red...

  4. While the Ottomans are a little different at least they have a uniform, so you you don't have to go through the torture of painting them in irregular attire. I have often felt they were far better drilled than most rule sets seem to give them credit for, and they certainly gave the Russians a run.

    1. I haven't looked too deeply into those areas where they were successful, but my quick view is that most of their success came when they were in defensive positions. They certainly did not shine against the French in Egypt, but they will add some colour and flavour to games in that campaign.

  5. Excellent looking Ottomans and an impressive resupply of soon to be red trousered French men!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Ian...yes the next batch of red trousered gentlemen will be assembled tomorrow.

  6. Replies
    1. Exactly so...36 line, 3 Chasseurs and 3 turcos.

    2. what about the prussians , will they expand ?

    3. Unless I win the lottery, no - the plan was always one corps per side. Plus from the various players we can mass more Prussians than French.

  7. Well, all those Prussian guns need someone to mow down!

    1. And there will be almost and may French guns...

  8. What a lovely unit but I can't help but see their hats as water melons now!
