
Monday 30 October 2023

Civil War Action

On Sunday we fought an American Civil War game.

There were six players, three on each side. I commanded on the right with two infantry and one cavalry brigades, with the possible reinforcement by a third infantry brigade. To my left were another four infantry and one small cavalry brigades, with some reinforcements expected. Opposing us were six infantry brigades and a cavalry brigade.

The objectives for both sides were the control of the road that ran up the centre of the table.

On my front the action developed quickly. One of my cavalry regiments charged to try and take advantage of an isolated enemy infantry unit, while the Confederates attack one of my small Zouave units. The cavalry was repulsed but the Zouaves won against the odds.

The full length of the table

At the other end of the table the Union and Confederate cavalry face off. Each side rolled 6xD6 needing a 5 or 6 to score a combat point.

This was the Union roll...the Confederates failed to roll a single 5 or 6 and were scattered to the wind. The Yankees then broke through onto an unsuspecting Confederate infantry unit behind it, smashing it too...but there Union attack ran out of steam.

To my left my fellow Union commander was getting tied up in the woods.

The point of junction between my command and the centre was a hotbed of fighting.

But the Union Centre was in trouble.

Above and below two of my units.

The Alabama boys move to the attack, but two turns later were driven off.

The fight for the woods dragged on.

More Alabamians

The left centre of the Union line was in trouble.

On my front the Rebel line was crumbling. The lost right infantry regiment charges the Rebel battery and drives the gunners off.

At the crossroads a single Confederate battery holds the line, but the gunners are soon driven away from their guns.

In the centre the Union forces have been scattered and the Confederates are dominant, but the flanks are dominated by strong Union commands.

The game ended as a Union victory.


  1. Hard fought. Gorgeous figures. Must have been fun.

    1. Yes it certainly made for a bit of fun on a windy day

  2. Bloody and superb Mark, gorgeous ACW pictures!

    1. Thank you Phil. It certainly was a bloody fight.

  3. Lovely stuff, and that dice roll was definitely worth photographing to preserve the memory. Were all the figures yours Mark?

    1. About half of the Union figures were mine, the rest and all the Confederates are drawn from a number of collections. Sadly that dice roll wasn't mine, although I did pretty well in the game...mind you outnumbering my opponent three to one helped!

  4. What a great looking game! Those reb figures are just gorgeous!

  5. A rather strange sounding game Mark - were the winners decided on points or were the two flanks a complete disaster for the Rebs - because from the final image, it looked like their attack had succeeded? I have had independent feedback from two of the Reb commanders and they confirmed they lost - but they were also satisfied with having smashed the Union centre! Outnumbered 3:1 whilst attacking seems to have been one of the major obstacles the Rebs had to overcome :)

    1. Yes both Rebel flanks collapsed completely. One of their brigades in the centre also collapsed, but they were lucky in that one Yankee brigade also failed in the centre. It wasn't three to one overall. The Union had, I think eight or nine infantry brigades to the Confederate six (but some of those Confederate brigades had six regiments where the Union brigades were only four) . I had a local superiority of three brigades to one and was lucky enough to take only slight losses in my advance. In the end my largely untouched cavalry brigade was free to operate against their rear.

  6. Great game and what a wonderful collection of figures too:).

  7. A cracking looking and sounding game Mark…
    You certainly had an impressive amount of toys to play with…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. It was a tough's all well, and good to have lots of troops, but getting them into the fight was a problem at times!

  8. Very nice Mark looks like a cracking game to be playing.
