
Tuesday 5 September 2023

A Handful of Prussians

Not much to come off the production line at the moment - the lead pile is awaiting replenishment - but a few Napoleonic Prussians have come off the conveyor belt.

First are sixteen grenadiers for the 2nd East Prussian Grenadiers that are waiting for their command to arrive.

Then next are six Silesian Volunteer JΓ€gers.


  1. They look great Mark. I hope the outstanding orders arrive soon and you don't have too much downtime. I just got pinged on customs and import taxes for one yesterday. I knew it was a risk as I had strayed $200 over our $1000 limit and was prepared for what I thought would be the 10% GST as it was the only other time I have been charged, but also got stung 5% import duty, 2.5% credit car surcharge (with no other way to pay) plus an $85 electronic documentation fee which was the one that really annoyed me as we are now basically paying for automated systems to exchange data.

    1. I have been compelled to order some plastics locally to fill the gap! Our customs have similar charges if you exceed the limit. I have managed to keep my purchases under the limit so far, but with the way our Pacific Peso has dropped against the £ it is getting more and more difficult to manage that and still take advantage of the free shipping options.

    2. Hi Lawrence, I can so sympathise with the costs of bringing metal figures into Australia/NZ. One reason I have (VERY reluctantly) moved to plastic figures is that they are mostly available locally and if imported much more bang for your buck.

    3. For someone like me who likes big battles, the plastics are a godsend - if I had built in the armies I now have in metals not only would I be much poorer but the centre of gravity of the globe would have shifted permanently...

    4. $1000 isn't too bad the limit is $400 ....I had a similar experience when I miscalculated an OG order a few years you, the must annoying thing was the $95 Bio Security fee they tacked on to the 15% GST!

    5. The limit has changed, Keith, with certain criteria.

  2. Nice work there Mark:)! I can't figure out what the Jagers are carrying in their left hands, as whatever it is looks very unbalanced, with more sticking out the back than the front?

    1. They are holding on to the scabbard of the facine knife - I guess it must have flapped around annoyingly when running. The Perrys have done the same with the FPW Prussian infantry advancing at the trail, something that is commonly seen in illustrations of the time.

  3. Nice work. It is a good purge of back business from your pile o' projects. Everything is useful.

    1. Sadly most of the items left in the lead/plastic pile is just odds and ends. But the pile won't be flat for long...

  4. More great looking Prussians Mark. They might not be the most colourful nation with their uniforms but, like the Austrians, they were Napoleon's main opponents.

    1. Thanks Chris. I have good sized forces now of the big three - Austrian, Prussian and Russian - to fight my favourite Napoleonic period...1812-14. They rather dwarf my Franco-Bavarian force.

  5. More good looking Prussians, excellent!
    Best Iain

  6. Depleted lead pile??? What a strange concept. I don’t think I’ve ever seen those words in that particular order….πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

    1. Yes the flattened lead pile is an odd phenomenon that happens about twice a year for me, but thankfully I managed to secure a supply of something to paint...and I think you will like them...some wear blue coats with blue/gray trousers while others wear gray....

  7. Nice work Mark....but what about the 1806 Wurst Munchers??!

    1. I considered the early Prussians, but I don't have and early French to oppose them and have no plans to go down that rabbit hole.

    2. You say that now… we will see 😁

    3. I think I am pretty safe on this account. If there is a need (what a strange word) for more Napoleonics in my collection it is in French Allies...the Danes are catching some attention...

  8. More nice toys Mark…
    I can’t imagine my lead mountain ever disappearing… Considering where I live temptation is just a bus trip away…
    I will just have to learn to paint faster 😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. Yes if I lived in the lead belt I would be much poorer and would need a much bigger house!
